4) Movie

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You sat and waited as you watched Sawyer order your drinks.

The Cafe he chose looked nice. Calming to be exact. The decor was amazing, Vines surrounded the walls and plants hung from the ceiling. The tables were round and made out of wood. The chairs were also made out of wood the seating area covered with a light colored plush pillow.

The position of the sun made it seem more magical. Bringing it all together and making a more positive atmosphere.

You glanced at the time, 9:30am. You'd be in English right now. You clicked your phone off as Sawyer began approaching the table receipt and change in one hand his phone in the other.

"It'll take 15 minutes", He placed the change onto the receipt sliding it towards you. "Yours", he gave you a toothy grin.

"What?", you slid it back. "My money is yours today, whatever you want I'll get you. It's my way of making it up to you". He crossed his arms as he sat leaning back. "Oh", you didn't know how to respond, you assumed you'd be able to choose how he'd make up today.

Your brows furrowed you didn't know how you wanted him to make it up you, you also felt you could've asked him for something more in your favour.

Although free stuff isn't bad you felt guilty for using his money.

"Jeez stop glaring at it", He laughed. "It's just money". He paused "Unless...you want more?" he leaned forward raising a brow, slowly inching the money and himself closer.

You leaned back pushing the change towards him, "No, you can have that". Rolling his eyes he grabbed the change shoving it into his pocket.

'When will the drinks be ready?' you slid a bit into your seat.

"Let's go to the movies after this, do you have a specific movie you wanna see?"

You thought for a moment, there were some recent movies that seemed interesting. Although one stuck out the most to you out of them all.


The movie revolved around a man who had recently lost his wife. A gift that was meant for her was a life sized doll, but due to the doll being finished after her death the man's grief had caused him to become obsessed with the doll and hallucinate.

You really wanted to know how it ended, You glanced at Sawyer. His eyes were already on your face.

He raised his brows and smirked, "You look like you have one in mind".

You slowly nodded, "Have you heard about the new movie Fragile?".

Of course you didn't know what kind of movies Sawyer likes nor what he likes, or his hobbies.

You began to lose yourself in a spiral of questions.

What if your likes are his dislikes? Is he actually even more of a jerk than he is now? What does he do during his free time?

"It seems cool". Sawyer snapped you out of your thoughts.

You eased up a bit.

He leaned on his hand tilting his head a bit as a wide toothy grin formed on his face, "Let's watch it!".

You smiled back.

"What kind of movies do you like?", you questioned. Sawyer shrugged, "I enjoy any. As long as they're interesting".

"You don't have a favorite out of them all?"

"Hmmm...Ah! I really liked the SpongeBob Christmas movie", Saywer clapped both his hands together peeking up. He reminded you of a little girl.

"I made me realize how evil people can be", Sonder shook his head his dark curls flipping side to side.

Are you talking to an elementary school kid?

"Really? you genuinely liked that movie?", This has to be another prank.

"I loved it so much", Stars seemed to form around the boy before quickly disappearing. He frowned. "Do you not like it?"

"Ah, it's not bad", you responded trying not to hurt his feelings if he genuinely did like the movie.

"Good! It's a good movie. A Christmas classic if anything". Sawyer grinned, "We should watch that movie together next time".

You nodded, "Do you have any other favorite's?".

"Yeah, It's called Penelope". Sawyer looked away.

You've never heard of it before, "What's it about?" You questioned.

Sawyer turned to look at you, "Nothing good about it, it's just nostalgic".

"Order 14 ready!", a woman shouted from the front of the Cafe.

You both stood up heading over to the where the drinks were waiting.

"I'll probably Google it, I've never heard of it before."

"Yeah, it's in a different language and wasn't really a big hit. I enjoy it though". You nodded. 'I wonder what it's about'

You both grabbed your drinks heading out of the Cafe. You glanced up at Sonder who seemed to be lost in thought.


I wrote this chp half asleep I just wanted to get smth out

Besides the SpongeBob movie any movies mentioned in this aren't real movies irl from what I know of

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