10) Wasted Snack

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Sawyers words replayed in your head as you waited for the train. School had finished and you were now entering the station.

Making your way towards a bench you spotted Sawyer.

He was chatting with a another student from his school. You envied her uniform a cute grey and white plaid skirt with a plain grey top. An all grey bow pulling it all together.

You turned away finding a bench farthest away from them.

As you waited for the train you popped some headphones into your ears. Your favorite singer/band had just came out with a new album and you've been replaying it all day.

Pressing play you zoned out the whole world. Not noticing that Sawyer was now staring at you.

His eyes landing on your finger as you quietly tapped on the bench.

He contemplated wether or not he should approach you. The girl Infront of him now forgotten.

He snapped his attention back to her when he felt a small tap on his shoulder.

"What are you staring at?" The girl tilted her head.

"I'm looking for my friend" Sawyer turned his head towards you.

"Is it her?" The girl asked, Sawyer nodded his head in response.

He took a step forward before being stopped by the girl.

"It looks like she doesn't wanna be disturbed" The girl looked up at Sawyer tightening her grip on his arm.

"Let's chat some more" She pulled herself closer to him, ignoring the scowl on Sonders face.

Trying his best to shake her off his arm Sonder questioned, "Who even are you? What conversation were we even having?" He quickly took a couple steps away from the girl once she loosened her grip.

"U-uh I'm A-alice remember" She stood shocked, "Were you not paying attention?" She began to fiddle with her hair.

"No" he bluntly responded. Turning on his heel he walked away. Leaving the girl in both a wave of shock and embarrassment.


Saywer groaned, He watched as the train pulled to a stop. You had already gotten up and already boarded the train. He quickly followed behind you.

Wanting to stand next to you before the cart could get anymore cramped.

There was in fact a free spot for him, and unbeknownst to you he was planning on trying to get you to hang out with him.

"Y/N!" Sawyer chuckled, "Let's hangout!" You sighed taking a headphone out. "I already told you I'm not, I'm hanging out with someone already"

"They can wait" He rolled his eyes. You did the same in response, "No". You really wanted him to leave you alone.

"Y/NNNN" He whined, 'please don't throw a tantrum' you silently prayed. "Next time" You responded. "Who are you hanging out with?" Sawyer questioned.

"Family" You quickly responded. "Who though? Cousin? Sibling? Parent?" Sonder began to lean in closer to you.

You placed your hand on his face slowly pushing him away. "Sibling" you lied, "I haven't seen them in a while"

Sawyer stood straight up looking down at you, "Why not let me meet them?" He smiled, "Then we could all hangout!" He shouted.

'He really loves attention' You thought to yourself as you sank lower into the corner of the cart.

"Quiet down" You shushed him. He zipped his mouth. "Yes ma'am!" He shouted once more.

You let out a deep breath.

"We'll hangout tomorrow, how does that sound?" You eyed him up and down, Sawyer smiled peering down at you. "Perfect".


Y/N!" Lucents eyes widened, "Did I make you wait long?" He quickly approached you.

You shook your head holding your hand up, "Nope, I got here a couple minutes ago"

Lucent let out a breath of relief. You observed the outfit he was wearing. A white T-shirt with baggy jeans and a pair of tennis shoes.

Nothing about his outfit screamed unique but the casualty of it made him seem very approachable.

His dark brown hair curled into different directions, soft brown eyes gleamed, and his tan skin seemed to shine as the sun hit it.

He could model.

Lucent smiled as he stood Infront of you, "Shall we grab a snack?" You snapped out of your thoughts. Nodding and smiling back.

You both began to walk. "Do you have a favorite snack?" You asked. "I enjoy sweets. I don't have a specific" He placed a hand onto his chin, "Do you?".

"I like (F/S) it's really good" You grinned.

"Is it sweet?" Lucent questioned, you thought for a moment "Yes/No/Sorta". Lucent nodded "I don't mind giving it a try sweet or not". He chuckled "I want to try new things"

You nodded in response. He really is different from Sonder, a polar opposite.

You both had made it to the convince store, grabbing the same snack, paying, and leaving.

As you both walked down the street towards the park you began to admire the sunset.

Not noticing Lucents sad attempt of trying to open his snack.

A small grunt escaped his lips as he finally got it open.



It all fell onto the floor.

You whipped your head around. Lucents sulked shoulders and the small pout on his lips made you pity the poor boy.

The wrapper in his hands seemed to taunt him as it blew in the wind.

Letting out a small sigh Lucent crouched down picking up the snack.

You quickly did the same, "You can have some of mine" You held back your laughter as you helped him pick up the snack.

"Really? you wouldn't mind?" Lucent stared at you. You nodded, "We can share". "Thank you Y/N" Lucent smiled.

"Anytime" You responded.

Throwing away Lucents snack you both started walking towards the park once more.

Lucent led the way as you pulled out your phone. You had gotten a text from your parents.

Quickly replying you couldn't help but frown 'I hope their trip ends sooner then planned'.

A small laugh took you out of your thoughts. Lucent was laughing.

His body shook as he walked. You raised a brow catching up to his side.

"Why are you laughing?" You stared at his face. He chuckled responding, "My poor snack went to waste. My struggle was for nothing" He chuckled once more.

The expression Lucent made when his snack fell popped into mind. You couldn't help but smile at that.

"True, but at least we can share my snack" You grinned.

Lucent gave you a closed eye smile in response, "Yep, I'm glad"


I feel like I'm rushing Y/N and Lucents hangout but I swear they will have more time together in the future ♪⁠~⁠(⁠'⁠ε⁠`⁠ ⁠)

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