"Lilith," Came a strong and annoyed voice, making both of us look to where it was. Adrian. He still hadn't talked to me since our last fight. Won't even let me explain the hallway fight. My magic dissolved as I quickly pulled away from Averin, whose grip remained unmoving. Looking up at him as he didn't look away from the elf, he glanced down at me with a stoney expression I didn't see often. Before raising a low brow, a slanted smile finding his face.

        "Distractions," He started, jerking forward while holding the back of my neck without releasing my wrist. Slamming our heads together as I gurgled, stumbling back as he let me go, watching me fall on my ass as I held my head. "Are not needed," He finished while I glared up at him with teary eyes. My head ready to split at the rough pound that pulsed from my forehead.

           "I swear to-" I hissed, barely biting my tongue, the swift approach of a familiar set of footsteps catching my last line of self-restraint as he stared down at me with a smug smile.

          "It is illegal to assault even a discipline," Adrian pressed with a careful half-step between us. Standing against an elite with a straight spine and a slight shake of the legs. My hand twitched at the reminder. Adrian wasn't afraid of just anyone, but Averin wasn't just anyone.

           "And I could have you immediately executed for meddling in affairs so far above your station," He didn't hesitate to bite back, his nose high and gaze cast down at the student he didn't deem any worth in. A student I didn't doubt he would kill.

            "Adrian," I cut between them with a pant, pushing myself onto my stumbling legs and wincing as my head throbbed. "I'm busy," The words were bitter to say, the look he gave me leaving a sling in my chest, but this was the worst time for him to seek me out.


            "That's the spirit!" Averin rushed right past him, uncaring of his existence at my clear dismissal. The crushing force of his body crashed into me as I was left unable to breathe, getting sent right off my feet as my ribs protected the hard shoulder he rammed me with.

          "Son of a-!" I cursed with a wince, quickly pushing to get to my feet but slipping before I could escape, his rough boot slamming into my stomach with a force he had not yet used. Before I could even think his hand was in my hair forcing my gaze up as he crouched beside me.

         "I said you could use your magic, didn't I?" He grinned, my gaze wavering behind him as his brow twitched at the attention I gave the very frozen Adrian. "Distractions," He began again, the grip in my hair tightening as my face found the dirt in a second, "Are not needed," he repeated as my hand slammed into the dirt, my arms trembling against him.

             Magic. I just have to use my magic- His wavering attention shot back to me as he lept back, a large dark spike forcing him away while he hummed. "You, ugh, you need to leave," I grunted getting to my feet once more, every muscle in my body protesting and nearly as many bones screaming. It hurt. It hurt so damn much. But I still held Adrian's disbelieving gaze.

          "What. Did. I. Say~?" Averin lunged again, this time, the hot heavy weight pulling at my hands as I met his grapple head-on, stumbling to get my footing and meeting that red glare. One that glistened with surprise. My arms wildly shook against him while he let out a hum. "Manifestation types sure are interesting,"

          "You're just mad that fires the only primary that can't do it," I grinned warily, pool drenching my face. His gaze narrowed slightly before he tightened his grip on our laced fingers and began to shove me back, even as my bare feet dug into the earth.

         "And you're biting back as a distraction." Wavering under the statement, he suddenly stopped pushing. Rather, he pulled. Grunting as my body jerked forward I didn't have a chance to check my footing before his knee was in my face. "Now, you're just being annoying," He sighed, running his hand through his hair as I kneeled in front of him, clutching at my already broken nose as the pouring blood had just gotten worse, my eyes shaking and vision blurry with tears as I stared up at him.

            "You're such an... Ass," I moaned while he rolled his eyes, with a half-hearted wave over his shoulder he started to walk away. "This suckssss," I whined, throwing my head back as I stared at the sky, the slight outline of the moons shielded by a passing cloud.

         "... Do they all treat you like that?" Came the voice I distinctly remembered telling to leave. My gaze fell on him as he gently tilted my head back down, properly allowing my nose to bleed

           "Not exactly," I grumbled as he slowly sat next to me.

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