Chapter 14

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            "Come now, get up, we are to go on an excursion," the soft voice of a vile magi found my ears as I looked at her with shaking eyes. The water elite reached down to grab at my heavy body as I could only moan in protest. Her arms cool to the touch and disgustingly kind. "Oh stars, what am I to do with your hair now? This is worse, I leave for a few days and come back to this?" Came a sigh while I weakly pushed at her shoulder- trying to escape her cradling grasp.

          "You are not in any condition to struggle, just behave, we shall be on our way by the time you awaken, alright?" her voice got farther and farther away as I groaned, my eyes heavier than anything else.

           "Yes, yes, I'll just be announcing an apprentice, no one will see her face, Jennerin made a mask." The soft hue of a communication crystal glowed not far from me. A comfortable and soft pair of legs beneath my head. "Oh dear, it seems she woken, I'll call you back," before I could leep up a hand was on my forehead, forcefully keeping me in place.

           "I'm not some-"

          "Don't bite, I'm doing what I am told just as you are," She cut me off, her hand over my eyes, while I clenched my jaw at the implication. "We are going to a ball in the Aeriak kingdom, the monarchs will be there as it is a ball to celebrate peace and ensure future prosperity between the seven kingdoms. You will be officially introduced as our one and only apprentice, however, we will be hiding your face to minimize disruption. I happen to be the representative this time, so I will be accompanying you," She explained with a hum. As if I was some child she was appeasing.

        "You said Miss H made a mask," I stated, pushing her hand away at the wrist. She didn't offer resistance, merely smiling at me upon making eye contact.

        "Indeed she did! She even said it was made with you in mind." She made it thinking about me? Narrowing my eyes at the magi currently in charge of me I got off her lap, sat up, and found myself in a carriage. My body not so much as sore.

        "It's unethical to make a healing mage restore muscle strain," I deadpanned, looking out the window in an attempt to find out where we were. 

        "Ethics, huh?" She hummed, indifferent to the fact. It was an unnecessary use of mana that was extremely time-consuming and just as exhausting. To do such a thing to a glass mage no less meant a burnout even for a high-ranking war healer. Clearing her throat she straightened her back and stared at me. As if I was going to turn towards her. My gaze alone was enough for the likes of her. "Well," She started, ignoring my limited attention.

          "It seems that I have made an inappropriate comment about your hair-" Narrowing my gaze I pursed my lips- "As such, I won't be commenting about the texture again, you may wear your hair in its natural state. We shall have someone take out your braids upon our arrival in the capital,"

            "And if I don't want to?" I asked, my throat burning and fists tightening on my lap.

            "It is unfortunately non-negotiable," She hummed opening her bag, my gaze moving back to the window. So she disliked the braids more, huh? "You will, however, be given options for your clothing, you will be free to pick whatever you wish from what I have supplied and you may select a hair style from those that have been approved. As you are a noble we trust you will use appropriate manners. I will be using your first name to address you because this is not meant to be a tightly kept secret. In fact, Edward has suggested we arrive on dragon back,"

             "Dragon-" I wiped to look at her, my eyes wide and mind running, "That is not a good idea," I pressed, the mere idea of her climbing onto my Vitreus back nauseating. "He will not allow that, I haven't even been keeping him at the academy due to how hostile he has been becoming around people," I shook my head, his absence brought a cold dullness to my chest but it was safest if he didn't cause trouble.

           "... Is that so?" She asked, raising a brow and looking me over. "Is it not magic?"

          "Yes," I glared sharply, the topic dangerous, "He is magic first but he is still a dragon. The fact that he can remain within sight of a person without trying to attack them shows his restraint. Restraint I gave him. I could easily ride his back but for someone he does not know to climb atop his back will only cause agitation that being around a group of people will only make worse. He could hurt someone and that is not the goal of the this ball, is it?"

           "Hmm, alright," she didn't fight me about it, "I'll see what I can do,"

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