"And we thought that you are better than this, Alya." Kim this time said that.

"And we thought that you are smarter than this! But here we are, no one can get what we want."

"What is going on?" Marinette and Chelsea ran towards the table.

"Well, well, well. Isn't that the most fake person we ever met?"

"And isn't it a person with fake balls?" Kim flinched at that. "Let's go, guys."

We all stood up from our seats and left the canteen room.

I don't understand those people anymore.
They all are acting stupid, but even I know that they aren't that dumb.

This is getting more suspicious right now.

"Hey, Dudette." I caught Mari's attention. "Don't you think that it is weird how super dumb they are? They keep trying to get us to be on their side, but this stupidity is too far now."

"I don't know, Nino. I am already sick and tired of them. I rather just do our stuff in the art room."

"Also, Lila spoiled the hangout sup..."

"LILA!!!" Lila froze at this. "I SUPPOSED TO SURPRISE THEM!!!!!!!"


"UGG!!! But yeah... surprise?"

We laughed at this. This is so random.

"But where is Chelsea anyway?" Nath pointed it out, and we just noticed that she isn't there.

Where did she go?

Meanwhile at the canteen

Chelsea's POV

I stayed in the canteen instead of following my friends to the art room.

Stupid move, but I want to know what this is all about.

In the recording, they all criticized Marinette, the sweetest and kindest person I ever met. And they all acted weirdly...

"What do you want, Chelsea?" Juleka made everyone realize that I am still here.

"I... I w-want to know what t-this is all a-about." I am getting freaked out by them all.

"Did Marinette send you here to stalk us!?!" They are all walking toward me, while I am moving back.

I can't even say anything since only stutters are coming out of my mouth. Fear is written in my eyes.

"HEY!!" This was when Ms. Mendeleev and Miss Bustier arrived at the scene.

"Chelsea, are you alright?"

"Y-Yeah I am fine. Just some misunderstanding."

"Are you sure? Anna has told us that they all picked on your friend group."

I froze from that. Anna has reported the teachers everything!?!

Oh yeah, you don't know who she is.

No, they don't.

Well, except for the people that read 'The Lost DJ', which I recommend reading.

Good book though.

But anyway, she is one of my friends in my class. She has ginger curly mess hair, complete heterochromia eyes, which are blue and green, and usually wears masculine clothes. No, she always wears masculine clothes.

The teachers took the Akuma class, which is a good name actually, to her class to discuss this scene, while I waited outside the classroom to wait for Miss Bustier to tell me to come in.

This is when Anna enters the chat.

"Alright, Anna. Wait here until we call you to come in to explain everything you saw." Ms. Mendeleev went to the classroom after she said that.

She leaned against the wall waiting as the teacher said so.

It was quiet between us since the teacher left until I spoke.

"I am shocked you reported the teachers about this situation. What do you think will happen to them?"

Anna shrugged at that. I understand that since she has non-verbal autism, so she is the one that doesn't talk a lot.

"Thank you. They are really scary when they are pissed."

"I agree with you." Anna finally spoke since she is here. "Jerks."

"Yeah. They are." I also leaned against the wall beside Anna. "I am grateful that you helped me. How can I owe you for this?"

"Your phone number and a hangout today would be more than enough." She smirked while taking out her phone, and I without hesitation wrote her number down.

If I had to rate this by smoothness, I rate it a 9 out of 10. I blushed for some reason as well.

Anna may not talk a lot, but she is a savage and cool type if you know her well, which I do.

I like her. I really do!

I will not reject that offer.

"Where would you like to go?"

I Trusted You (Miraculous au)Where stories live. Discover now