Weiss sighed and Yang shook her head.

"I'm so happy those two aren't on a team together." Blake chuckled.

"Ruby is already a handful." Weiss nodded.

"So is Nora." Jaune pointed out.

"oh-derly... wait a minute?" Ruby frowned.

Blake chuckled, "It doesn't work for orderly does it."

"Yeah, that one stunk." Yang grinned. "Ey?" She looked around.

Everyone groaned.

Director: "Have you forgotten Sir, we were at war? A fight with an alien race for the very survival of our species? I feel I must remind you, that it is an undeniable, and may I say a fundamental quality of Man, that when faced with extinction, every alternative is preferable."

"He is quite angry he got caught." Weiss chuckled.

Ren frowned, "Listen to what he's saying. A fight with an alien race for the survival of the human race."

Jaune frowned. "If the aliens are anything like we saw I'm surprised it was a fight at all."

Ren sighed, "I don't think its so farfetched to say the aliens they were fighting were more... competent than the one who impregnated Tucker."

Yang chuckled.

"He's using the war to justify what he did." Blake added. "Like Wash said, all the projects were looking for the magic bullet to win the war."

"I wonder what the magic bullet was." Jaune frowned.

Ren frowned. and started pouring through his notes.

"What, what is it?" Nora asked.

"Hmm, I have a guess to what the magic bullet was. Does anyone remember what Grif complained about in the first episode?" Ren asked.

Everyone shook their heads.

"I'm sure I wrote it down. Ah here it is." Ren gestured to the first page in his notes. "Master Chief. Grif complained about joining the army to fight aliens but then the master chief blew up the whole covenant armada. Whoever this commander was he must have been the magic bullet."

Weiss nodded, "That could be it. Hmpf, the Director experimented with soldiers and AI. As if a soldier or even a platoon of soldiers could end a war. It takes one with a tactical mind not brute strength on the field."

"Maybe that's why his project is bad!" Nora gasped.

"Aside from the tortured AI and murdered test subjects." Ren added. Nora nodded.

"... Hey isn't that what was said at the beginning of the season? The whole fundamental quality of man?" Ruby asked.

Jaune frowned in thought, "Yeah I think so. What did we say last time? That every alternative isn't preferable."

"I said that." Blake said raising a hand. "But only if that alternative meant no freedom whatsoever and no chance to gain freedom."

"If there's no chance you make a chance." Nora grinned.

Ren chuckled and got out his pen and notepad.

"That's not how hypotheticals work." Blake pointed out.

Nora shrugged.

Cut to Church and Wash running up a ramp

Soldier: "Over here, over here!"

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