"Uhhhhhhh." Ruby frowned.

"I'm lost." Yang frowned.

"I didn't understand a single thing." Pyrrha added.

"Me neither." Jaune sighed. "This is Saph level talk. Well again her wife's level. I forgot her name. That's probably bad because she's technically my sister now."

"You don't need anymore sisters." Pyrrha chuckled.

Nora gasped, "If all your sisters are gay then you can have double the amount of sisters!"

"I hope not." Jaune laughed.

Yang smirked, "Why? Are you anti gay you homophobe."

Jaune gave out an annoyed sigh, "No Yang I am not homophobic. I-"

"Stop dignifying her with a response." Weiss advised.

Jaune chuckled, "Good idea."

Grif: "Oh yeah, I've seen that before. You should try uploading a virus to the mainframe."

Simmons: "Jesus."

"I don't know anything about hacking but I can assume Grif also doesn't know anything about hacking." Ren commented.

Grif: "I find viruses that feature a laughing skull tend to work the best."

Simmons: "Shut the fuck up and let me work!"

"I love how they curse. It's so full of umpf! No other show I watch is like that." Yang grinned.

Cut back to Church and Wash, and this time they actually speak!

Church: "You're a fucking idiot."

Yang snorted and Weiss coughed.

"What? That's his reaction?" Blake asked.

Washington: "That's not the reaction I expected."

Blake chuckled, "Same here."

"It's not surprising he doesn't believe him." Ren explained. "How would you react if someone told you that you were an AI."

"I already said I wouldn't believe them." Yang shrugged. "I mean I've been me all my life."

Everyone nodded.

"Maybe if it was someone I trusted a lot." Pyrrha frowned. "But I would still be skeptical."

"If Ren said I was an AI I would believe him." Nora smiled.

"That's... foolish." Weiss said.

Nora glared. "It's not stupid, Ren would never lie to me."

"What if Ren said you were a four hundred foot tall Purple Platypusbear with pink horns and silver wings." Weiss argued.

"Ren would never say that." Nora smiled. "Ren wouldn't lie to me. Or anyone really but especially not to me!"

"Lie Ren does not Lie." Yang chuckled.

"What's a Platypus bear?" Ruby asked Weiss, receiving no answer.

Church: "You think I'm a computer program."

Washington: "Why is that hard to believe?"

"Likely every reason under the sun." Weiss chuckled.

"Washington should be smarter than that, he just told someone he was a computer program and not a person." Blake sighed.

Church: "Uh, how 'bout 'cause I'm a person. That I have been my whole life? That I have memories from when I'hm a kid? And I don't remember being a calculator, dude."

RWBY and JNPR Watch The Recollection Trilogyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें