Weiss laughed, "I would love to but I don't want to be mean to Jaune."

"Thanks." Jaune mumbled.

"Fools gold?" Blake suggested.

Weiss shook her head.

"What about Gold heart?" Yang suggested.

"That makes sense for Jaune, not you. But Gold Heart it is." Weiss nodded.

"Ohh! Me and Yangs could be 'To the Max'" Nora grinned.

"That doesn't make sense." Weiss pointed out.

"It kind of does." Jaune started, "These are callouts. Someone yells, to the max and they know its their move."

"Ok then, Yang and Pyrrha?" Weiss asked.

Again as they talked Blake chuckled to herself.

"Are you laughing because they're shipping each other?" Ren whispered.

Blake jumped, "H- How do you know about that?"

Ren chuckled, "I like to read too, and after an author has finished a series sometimes I'm not finished with it. So I see what fans have written. However most of it is romance which I am not interested in."

Blake nodded, "You're fine with them shipping themselves with you?" Ren shrugged, "To them it's just duo moves. To you and me, it's just an inside joke."

"A very funny one." Blake grinned. Ren chuckled, "A very funny one indeed."

The two laughed.

"Red fire." Yang suggested.

Weiss nodded.

Yang grinned, "You took my suggestion."

Weiss sighed, "D- just! Nevermind ok Yang and Ren and then we're done."

"Sun flower." Ren suggested.

Weiss wrote it down. "Ok that's everyone, let's start the episode."

"Finally!" Yang complained.

" Reconstruction Chapter 15" appeared on the screen with the theme.

Chairman: "Dear Director."

Fade in to Freelancer HQ, with everyone gathered in a room with a view outside.

Chairman: " Please do not attempt to recast this investigation as some type of personal vendetta. Our questions to this point have been fairly standard. Your reactions have not. As such, we have secured all your records and logs by the authority granted us by the UNSC. Now we shall see exactly what it is, that you have to hide."

"His reactions have not been standard, maybe if he did give good answers they wouldn't have secured all of his records." Weiss chuckled.

"He's gonna find out about the copies and deaths." Blake added.

"Good." Ruby grinned, "This chairman guy isn't so bad."

"He's just doing his job." Weiss explained.

Washington: "Alright, we got in, but that's only part of our mission. So no celebrating yet."

"If that were a real military base they would have been caught at the gate." Blake grumbled. "It takes a lot of effort to sneak into a military building."

"Good." Weiss grinned.

Grif: "Aw shit, and I was gonna be in charge of confetti."

Jaune laughed, "Wow, thats a callback to the beginning of season one."

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