Everything fell apart

Start from the beginning

During his last two days in the hospital, Mile brought him a mouth-watering lunch when he visited. When Porsche was with him, he feels a sense of happiness that makes all his worries disappear. When he said he was leaving town to clear his head for a few days, Mile felt sad that he couldn't see him, but later he understood that he needed some time alone. Once he returned, Mile promised to take him somewhere as a surprise.

Porsche was in the kitchen, about to pour himself a cup of coffee, when he heard Kinn's voice. At first, he dismissed it as his imagination, but as the voice grew louder, he became more alert. As he left the kitchen, still holding the empty coffee cup, he caught sight of Kinn coming towards him. The cup slipped from his hand and shattered on the floor as he stood there, shocked.

"W..wh..wha..." Porsche's jaw dropped as he saw Kinn standing there, leaving him completely speechless.

"Watch out!" Kinn yelled and advanced towards him. He pushed Porsche to the side so that he won't step on the broken glass.

"How did you know I'm here?" Porsche asked, his eyebrows raised in confusion.

Holding Porsche's hand firmly, Kinn led him around the broken glass as they made their way to the living area. Porsche, still in shock from seeing Kinn, allowed himself to be dragged along by him.

"What are you doing here?" Kinn asked back. Today, when he was informed by Big that Porsche had left the hospital three days ago, it filled him with anger and fury.

"KINN!" Letting go of Kinn's hand, Porsche took a step back.

"Why are you here? Why you left the hospital suddenly and why didn't you come home? You said..."

"Home?" Porsche scoffed. He finds it hard to fathom why Kinn is questioning him about where he is. He should be the last person to ask such a question to him. After meeting Tawan, Porsche wanted some time alone to himself. The incident with Tawan drove Porsche insane. His pride took a hit, and he felt embarrassed and humiliated. Lately, he has been struggling to come to terms with the events unfolding in his life. Kinn's brother who threatened him, asking to leave him. His lover who trampled upon his dignity. His mother who ridiculed him. Porsche had enough. He only wants some breathing room from Kinn and anyone who is related to Kinn, yet here he is, as always, making him go crazy. "Do I have a home?"


"I just need a break. Is that too much to ask? When I don't ask you anything, why you keep asking me too much? Why would you care where I am? What more do you want from me?" Porsche said, his voice low and tired.

"Of course I care. What if something were to happen to you while there's no one here?" Kinn shouted. Knowing that Porsche was here by himself made him feel uneasy.

"You care? YOU care about me? ME?" Porsche's index finger jutted out to indicate himself, and he glanced around to ascertain that Kinn was talking about him. "You're scared of what I might do to Tawan. You're here because that's what matters to you. Isn't it?" When Kinn acts this way, Porsche reaches a point where he can no longer contain his emotions anymore.

Kinn was rooted to the spot, unable to move a muscle.

"What? You think I didn't know until he came to see me?" Porsche said in disbelief, shaking his head. The sight of Kinn's shocked expression intensifies his anger even more.

"Wh...when did you know?" Asked Kinn, finally able to regain himself.

"It's not rocket science to figure out why, when your husband comes home one night and confesses that he used you and never loved you." Porsche stated. The memory of that night is indelibly etched in his mind. "I don't give a damn about you two, just so you know. It doesn't make any difference to me. You've made it crystal clear what we are, and I'm over you. It's none of my business who you're with,"


"I'm doing whatever the hell I want, so you do whatever the hell you want with him. The problem is when he crosses the line and came to see me. Next time he tries that shit again, I will snap his head. Don't let him near me until I'm done using you and throwing you away," Porsche held back tears that were welling up in his eyes. "Divorce? I'll dump you when I feel like it, after I've taken everything from you. After I turn you into nobody with nothing left," Porsche's eyes blazed with fury as he screamed at the top of his lungs. All of the pent-up emotions that had been building inside him were finally able to be expressed.

"I don't have any feeling left for you anymore. I don't care about you. You can go to hell. Get on my nerve once again, and you will see how I will destroy YOU, YOUR FAMILY, AND HIM who you dearly love," Porsche couldn't control himself. This is the man he loves so much, but hurt him in every way imaginable. And Porsche wishes he can hurt him more, but he knew it would hurt him more than Kinn.

"Porsche," In a soft voice, Kinn calls out to him. He stood there, watching as he struggled to hold back tears. The only word he could manage to utter was his name.

"Don't call my name," Porsche's voice resounded in the room. He took a deep breath and blinked rapidly to stop the tears from falling. He doesn't want to appear weak in front of him and shed tears for him. "Your world feels like it's ending now that you've been caught, doesn't it? Cheaters always act like this. They're all high and mighty until they get caught. Don't ever call my name!"

As soon as Kinn approaches him, he takes a quick step back to put some distance between them. "Stay away from me," Porsche command, his voice breaking and filled with emotion. "I'm done with you and everyone around you. Our marriage ended a long time ago, and we are just two people who are using each other,"

"I'm sorry," Kinn said. He can only manage to say that one word to him. All of those things, from being overworked to being hospitalized, happened to him because of what Kinn did.

The moment the word 'sorry' left his mouth, Porsche walked towards him and gave him a hard slap across the face.

"You are truly the worst. Those words shouldn't come out so easily," Porsche grabbed his keys and headed straight to the garage. It took Kinn a moment to steady himself, and then he followed after him, calling his name. Porsche was about to open his car door when Kinn grabbed his hand. "If you touch me again, I swear to you, I will kill you," Porsche jerks his hand out of Kinn's hold. "Don't even think about following me!" Porsche warns before getting into his car and driving away.


Porsche drove aimlessly, unsure of where to go, and eventually found himself back at the bar and drowned himself in alcohol. He dreaded days like today because acknowledging them would make everything real. He grabs his phone and calls the one person who springs to his thoughts.

"Dear friend, I'm not craving for ice cream today, but I want to dance. Do you want to have fun with me?" Porsche asked.

"Porsche?" Mile said, his voice filled with surprise.


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