Chapter 12: The curious case of Marinette

Start from the beginning

"What?!", "Kyah!", "Wow!", "Maids?!". The gang all reacted in their way to the sudden occurrence, all the maids had the same face and hairstyle as if they were clones or something.

Indraid turned away as he walked back upstairs, "Maids, destroy their bodies and collect their souls, I'll be using them in the upcoming ritual,".

"Whaaaaaaaaa!" The teenagers lost control of their bodies as they were sucked into black and pink vortexes by the maids, the only thing left behind were heart-shaped glowing orbs which each maid took to a different part of the area.

Now it begins.


Ray wakes up, but he can't see, talk, or do anything at all. With darkness around him, the boy started to panic.

Then, he started to see weird moving lights around him. "Stay calm, I'm trying to save you," he heard a young girl's voice; she sounded familiar.

(This girl... I feel like I can trust her.)

"Alrighty, let's start... Um... How do you feel right now?" asked the voice.

Due to the strange feeling of nostalgia, Ray said, "safe."

"Safe with me? Umm, good," said the girl, her voice sounding somewhat flustered. "Next question, what makes you happy?"

Ray didn't need to think long and hard about this. The region he found himself in was far from relaxing, and the only thing that had kept him going toward his goals had been the friends he made along the way. "My friends."

"Your friends... I also had a friend once... Her name was... I can't remember... Anyway, that should do it!" The girl started to reform Ray's body from his green soul.

Ray could see, breathe, and talk again. "Wow!" He was in a huge room with red and black wallpaper and a big bed by the edge.

He looked at the girl, and she was just a kid. Her blonde hair and facial structure reminded him strangely of Melia (but that's impossible, right?). She wore a fancy black and white dress with black hair ties on both sides of her head.

"There, you're back... You should run away now, Dad gets angry easily, and he's scary when angry," said the girl timidly.

"Hehe, I don't care how scary he gets; I won't abandon my friends!" Ray yelled, and the girl ran toward her bed in fear.

"Don't hurt me!" she yelled.

(Shit! I wasn't thinking. I shouldn't yell at a kid. Also, this is the type of situation that gets one canceled on Twitter!) [A little girl getting yelled at by an older guy near a bed].

"I'm sorry for scaring you, but I'll need you to tell me where my friends are. I can't leave without them," said Ray.

The girl could see the determination in his eyes. "You're so brave... I wish I could be like that... I... I'll help you save your friends."

"Really?! Thanks!" The boy forgot again and shouted, frightening the girl again.

"Yes... Sorry for the late introduction; my name is Marinette."

"Nice to meet you, the name's Ray, and I'm going to be a Pokémon champion." He smiled at her.

"Ummm... I think the best course of action is to confront Dad and challenge him to a game. He loves games, and he won't refuse a challenge for your friends' souls," stated Marinette.

"Hmmm, if that's the best method, then so be it." (I was planning to just straight up beat him to a pulp). Shrugs Ray.

The two of them journeyed through the mansion looking for Marinette's dad. Ray got to know her better as he saw her room and all the books she read. He also felt sad when he found out she used to pretend to have friends and look out the window to see if anyone would really come to see her.

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