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As the day approached, Lexa's heart raced with excitement. She couldn't wait to see her family again, hold them in her arms, and shower them with love. She knew that no matter where she went, her family would always be in her heart, and that was all that mattered.

When Lexa finally saw Clarke and the twins, she ran towards them with open arms. She embraced them tightly, feeling the warmth of their love and the joy of being reunited. The rest of the day was spent playing with the twins, cooking their favorite foods, and telling stories about her trip.

In the end, Lexa realized that even though she had to leave her family for a while, her love for them never faded. She knew that her family was the most important thing in her life, and she would do anything to keep them happy and safe.

( pov: Clarke )

Clarke had been feeling a bit under the weather for a few weeks now, but she didn't want to worry Lexa. When Lexa left for her trip, Clarke realized that she had an opportunity to take care of herself. She suspected that she might be pregnant again, and if that was the case, she wanted to make sure that she was healthy for the baby. Clarke had been hesitant to bring up the idea of having another child with Lexa, but she had a plan to surprise her at Christmas if the test came back positive.
This pregnancy felt different from the first time she found out she was pregnant with twins, but Clarke was excited nonetheless.

Clark brought a test a few days ago while shopping with Lexa. She was quite surprised that she hadn't noticed it in the shopping cart, but she was happy that Clark was taking an interest in their future together. Lexa and the twins had quite the sweet tooth, so they could eat sugar all their lives if they could.

She peed on the stick as instructed and waited a few minutes. The twins were asleep, so she had plenty of time on her hands. While she waited, she tried distracting herself with other stuff, like picking up the toys spread around the house or sorting out the laundry. After a few minutes, she felt like she'd waited long enough, so she checked the test. If the test had two lines, then that meant she was pregnant, and if it was one line, then it meant she was not.

She looked at the test and was ecstatic. It had two lines, which meant that she was pregnant. This was going to be an interesting Christmas for sure. All she knew in that moment was that she needed to tell O and Raven about this. They were the first people to actually notice and convince her to go visit a doctor, which was how she officially found out she was pregnant.

She couldn't wait to share the news with Lexa and her family. She was excited to see what the future held for her and her growing family.

It's been a while and I know it's quite short but I had to change a improvise because I lost the original story which was written 3/5 years ago. But I still have the "manuscript " so we heading in the right direction, with better word placement and grammar control.


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