How long?

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A/n; listen to the song "Love good time" cover by Malina rose while reading. On with the story...

[Three months later]

It has been three months since Clarke and Lexa first went on their first date, The brunette has been taking the blonde out to different locations for every date they went on,trying to make each one memorable for Clarke.
For example, that one time Lexa surprised the blonde with a romantic dinner in her yacht, or that other time the brunette took the blonde to her favourite place to go. To put is simply, they had a great time.

Today was the day that the blonde finally tells the brunette about her pregnancy, she had managed to hide it from her up to now because she only ever Wore hoodies whenever they would go out. Lexa found this weird but never questioned it. Clarke was tired of hiding, if she were in the brunettes shoes she would want to know that she was going to be a mother.

Clarke wasn’t feeling good to go out today, so she called the brunette to come over instead. Which she agreed to, thankfully. The blonde was alone in the apartment because her friends wanted her to have the space and privacy to tell the brunette about her pregnancy without them interfering, if Lexa was to anyway refuse to take responsibility over her child the Latina would be ready to throw hands.

This shit is nervrecking, the blonde thought. Clarke made her way to the door when she heard the door bell ring, and just like the first time three months ago, the brunette was standing on the porch with flowers in her hands. This time she was wearing a grey suit, it’s like suits were the only clothing she owned. “Hi. This are for you.” The brunette hands her the bouquet of flowers and walks over to give her a kiss on the cheek.

The blonde blushed at the action. “Thank you, the are lovely,” Clarke replied, letting the scent of flowers hit her nostrils. “I’m glad you like them.” The brunette smiled. The blonde just kept staring at how cute she was, staring at how cute Lexa was made her forget that the brunette was still standing outside on her porch. “Where are my manners, do come in.” The blonde stepped aside so the brunette could  come in.

The brunette smiled and entered the flat, she walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. The blonde sat a few inches away from the brunette, the room was filled with silence and the brunette stole a few glances from the blonde. Clarke was facing down as she nervously played with her fingers, the brunette shifted her position on the couch a few times.
She cleared her throat and spoke.

“So, what was it that you wanted to say?” she asked and the blonde lefted her up and was now facing her. This was it Clarke, it’s time. Just get it over with, the blonde thought as she gulped and let out a shaky breath. “There is something you should know, I’ve been keeping it from you but I think you have the right to know,” Lexa started to worry, did Clarke not want to see her anymore? It’s not like the are a couple yet.

But she was thinking about making it official, Lexa held the blondes hand in hers, trying to comfort her.
“What is it, Clarke? You can tell me,” she says and Clarke’s heart starts beating like it’s about to explode. The blonde repositioned herself so her body was now facing the brunettes, she looked her right in the eyes and tightly gripped her hands. “I’m pregnant and I think you might be the other parent.” Clarke finally managed to blurt it out. Lexa’s eyes widened and her grip on the blondes hands loosened, she ran her hand through her hair while looking at the ground.

She gazed back at the blonde. “I know, I know I should have told you sooner and believe me I wanted too, but I couldn’t, not yet,” Clarke had tears streaming down her face as she spoke. The brunette couldn’t believe what she was hearing, She was going to be a mother and the blonde didn’t tell her sooner.
She was angry at the blonde for not telling her and at herself for not being able to see the little hints, like that time on their first date. How could she miss that. “How long?” was all she was able to say. The blonde looked at her, tears still streaming down her face. “Three months now.” Clarke responds.

The brunette gasped as she felt like a train had ran through her, Three months! Clarke has been pregnant for three months!, she thought. The brunette was on the brick of crying now, she was going to be a mother. She never expected herself to be a parent at such a young age, but now she felt the need to protect the little munchkin that was growing in Clarke’s belly.
The blonde expected the brunette to walk out of the house and leave her to raise their kid alone, because she didn’t want anything to do with her or the baby, but its was the opposite of what she was thinking.

Lexa was just seated on the couch, still in shock. She looked at the blonde with eyes full of tears, worry and hurt, and perhaps a excitement too. “Can I see?” she asked motioning to the blondes belly, and the blonde nodded her head. Clarke stood up from the couch and lifted up her hoodie, she saw the brunettes eyes widen with shock but a smile soon appeared on her face.

“May I?” the brunette asked and the blonde nodded her head, once again. When Lexa felt the small lump tears started to run down her cheeks, tears of joy. Clarkevfelt shivers run down her spine at the contact of the brunettes hands touching her exposed belly,
The brunette felt her heart melt as she caressed Clarke’s stomach knowing her kid was in there, she knew that she had fallen in love with the blonde that night at the party but now she was even more certain of it. “I’m so happy. Thank you, Clarke.” she said still crying and pulled the blonde in for a hug.

Clarke just smiled and sighed of relief, the hug lingered on for longer than the others she had received, this one felt different, a good kind of different. The brunette pulled the blonde closer to her as she sat them back onto the couch, they sat on the couch while the brunette caressed the blondes belly, they stayed cuddling for the rest of the day until Lexa had to leave.

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