Why would you think that?

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A/n: sorry it took so long for me to update, my birthday was these week and i wanted to take time away from the internet so I can spend it with my family. But now it's here, and thanks again for the reminder.

[Seven months Prego]

Another couple of months went by, and everyone happily lived their lives. Lexa had stopped coming over as frequently as she used to, Perhaps her company needed her a little more. The blonde was disappointed when the brunette couldn’t make it on the day she was supposed to be coming over, she even started to think that maybe she had lost interest in her and the work was only an excuse.

But if only the blonde knew what the brunette was really doing.
Over the last few months, Lexa had bought a family home which she didn’t tell the blonde about because she wanted it to be a surprise. It took everything in her to lie to the blonde like that, she didn’t want Clarke to think that she was abandoning her and leaving her to raise the twins alone. So she came to the conclusion that she should tell O and Raven about her plans, When she told them, they were thrilled to hear that the brunette wanted to ask their friend to move in with her.

The brunette asked them to not say a single word about this to Clarke or anyone, she even told them to keep the blonde distracted and convince her that she was still there for her and the twins. The house was finally done and now what was just left to do, was ask the blonde to move in with her. Lexa was on her way to Clarke’s shared apartment, as you are reading this. When she arrived, she didn’t even have to ring the bell because the door was already unlocked.

The brunette found the Latina and the raven haired girl in the kitchen talking about something, she went up to them and asked. “ Where is Clarke?” she whispered. O and Raven stopped talking. “ She’s in her room. Is it time?” Octavia asked, and the brunette nodded her head. “ Good luck, Woods.” The Latina gave her a thumbs up.

Lexa smiled and made her way up to the blondes room. When she reached the door, she knocked. “ Clarke it’s me, Lexa,” she says. “ Can I come in?” she asked, but got no response. The brunette took this as a yes and walked into the room. The room was dark, not even the smallest amount of light entered, and it was filled with art supplies. When she looked over to the bed it was empty, no sign of the blonde anywhere. “ Clarke! Are you in here?” she asked, walking further into the room.

Again, there was no response, and just when she was about to give up and go down stairs to wait, The blonde came into the room. Her hair was wet, and she was wearing her pyjamas.
The blonde turned on the lights and saw the brunette standing in the middle of her room, she was a little startled. “ Lexa? What are you doing here?” she asked, walking over to her bed. “ I came to see you and our unborn children” she responds. Clarke got into bed and sat up right, staring her girlfriend down. “I thought you left us" Clarke pouts.

The brunette walks over to Clarke and sat herself down right beside her. “ Why would you think that? I would never do that to you Clarke, or our unborn children. I love you.” She said and the blonde was a little taken back by her words. Lexa loved her?, she thought. “I love you too. But never do that to me again.” The brunette leaned in to give a kiss. “Noted.” She Said into the kiss.
The brunette pulled away for some air. “ Would you like to move in together?,” she asked.

“ Of course, Lex. But we don’t even have a house, yet” Clarke responds, the brunettes smile grew wider. “About that. I already bought one, everything is ready to go. The only thing left to do is move in.” The blonde smiled and pulled her in for another kiss. “ Is that a yes?” Lexa asked and Clarke nodded. The couple cuddled up together and drifted off to sleep.


[After moving in]

It’s been a week now since Clarke moved out of the apartment, and into their new family home with Lexa. Everything about the house was perfect, it had 8 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms. It was the perfect house to raise a family in. The house also had a pool and a great backyard for kids, the brunette also added soccer goals for future games.

The couple were seated in their master bedroom, just relaxing for the day. The brunette had her head up against the blondes chest, and her hand on her stomach. She was trying to have a conversation with her kids. “ Hello little one’s, me and you mommy are just waiting for you to arrive now. So could you please come soon?” she says in a baby voice. The blonde only chuckled while playing with the brunettes hair. “ Everyone is excited to meet you and your mommy is really mad at me because she says I treat her like a baby” the brunette continued which earned her a slap on the head.

“ Ouch! See children, she’s hitting me now.” Lexa laughs. She looked up at her girlfriend and saw her pouting.
“ Just kidding, your mommy is an amazing woman. And no fighting kids.” The brunette kissed the blondes stomach. The blonde felt like someone poked her in the stomach but it was just the baby kicking. “ Did you see that, Babe?” she asked. “ The baby just kicked.” The brunette quickly put her hand back on Clarke’s belly, she didn’t feel anything for a while, until she finally did.

“ They agreed that you are an amazing woman.”
“ No, Lex. I think they just can’t wait to meet you.”  The blonde responds. Lexa leans in to give her girlfriend a kiss, then she gives one to the blondes belly too. The couple decided to watch a movie, and they spent the rest of the day just chilling.

Unexpected changes.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora