We don't have to talk at all.

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[A few weeks later]

Clarke and her children could finally go home, the last couple of weeks had been really difficult for the couple, but they managed. They had gotten plenty of help from family and friends, Clarke's mother taught the couple what they needed to know about being  parents, even the brunettes(Lexa) mother threw in a few tips too.
Everything was going smoothly, their friends visited the kids a few times and asked how parenthood was treating them and Clarke and Lexa's answer never changed each time.


[ 1/5 year later]

A year and a half later, and everything in Woods-Griffin household was still amazing, the kids were now eighteen months old. Jayden was just like his mother(Lexa) had a smile that could light up the entire room, he had blue eyes and brownish hair. Madi looked a lot like Lexa too, the only difference was that she had blonde hair, but her eye colour resembled Lexa's too.

Not being to work for over a year, Lexa  would just go in and check out somethings but of course it was never an entire day. She wanted to be there for for Clarke when she needed help, and her children’s first words or steps.  And having someone to help around the house was really helpful. Their parents would come over and take the twins to spend the weekend to give the couple some time alone, and Clarke and Lexa were really grateful for that.

Clarke was busy in the kitchen preparing supper while Lexa played with the kids in the sitting room, trying to teach Madi and her brother how to play Uno. To say things were going great would be a lie because it wasn’t going so good, being the kids that they were, Madi and Jayden kept on putting the cards into their mouths whenever Lexa was about to rules.

“Babe! JayJay keeps putting the cards in his mouth! His even laughing at me.”

The brunette says smiling at her giggling son. She knew teaching her eight month old children wouldn't be quite an easy tack because all they ever wanted to do at that age was put everything in their mouths, but despite all that, Lexa was determined to teach them. It was like a challenge to her, and she enjoyed challenges.

“Where do you think he gets that from? He knows that you are cheating,” the blonde shouts from the kitchen, defending her son from her cheating girlfriend.

“I’m not.”

“Are too.”

She walked into the sitting room while laughing and picked Jayden up.
“Yes you are, isn’t that right Jay-bear?” the infant giggled at his mommy, which made Lexa roll her eyes while she picked up her daughter.
“You two are just mad that Madi and I can play better than you.” She turned hers and Madison's head to the side, away from the blonde and Jayden.
Clarke walked over to kiss the pout off of her girlfriends face, the brunettes pout turned into a smile and returned the gesture by kissing her cheek.

The little family was seated around the supper table eating their food, each one of the kids had a habit of their own when it came to supper time. “Madison Grace Woods, eat your vegetables,” Clarke said. The young infant just giggled and continued playing with her food. “Greens are healthy, don’t be like your mother.” The brunette(Lexa) placed her hand on her chest and faked a hurt look.

“Babe what are you talking about, I do eat my veggies. Are you trying to make me look bad in front of our kids?”

“Stop being hilarious Lexa. We all know you don’t eat your veggies."

Lexa rolled her eyes at her girlfriend and tried feeding her daughter her some of her veggies, but it wasn't long before a piece of food came flying across the table and hit Lexa right in the face. That was Jayden’s habit, he had a habit of throwing food around the room, or mostly cover himself with it. The brunette looked over to her son, then her girlfriend who was now laughing at the scene. “ Jayjay-bear no throwing food around the table please.”

After dinner was over, the blonde washed the dishes while Lexa helped clear up the table. “Babe can you please get the kids ready for bed?” Clarke asked drying up the plates. The brunette stopped clearing the table and went to her girlfriend, wrapping her hands around her waist and placed her head on her shoulder. “But I want to help!” She pouts.
“And you are, by getting the kids to bed.”

Lexa give Clarke a quick kiss on the cheek before walking away to get the kids ready for bed. After each kid had been put to bed, the brunette got herself ready too, she put on her pyjamas and brushed her teeth, put her hair up in a messy bun and made her way to bed. She laid in bed waiting for Clarke to come join her, which she did not have to wait too long because clarke came into the room a few minutes later.

She went into the bedroom and brushed her teeth and tied her hair, after, she put on her pyjamas and went to join Lexa in bed. Head resting on her girlfriends chest while she played with her fingers. “We’ll be fine, Lex. You can go to work you know?” Clarke says. The brunette lets out a small sigh.
“I know. And I told you, I want to stay here with you and the twins for as long as possible,” She responds. “Can we talk about something else?” Lexa asked, wanting to change the subject, which caused Clarke’s smile to change into a seductive one because talking wasn't at all what she had in mind

“We don’t have to talk at all.”

Words: 1000

It's been quite a while, sorry for not being able to update. The whole story is already pre-written and just needs to be posted, it sounds easy but it's not, because the vocabulary is bad. Everything has to be retouched and that takes time, it was written a year ago. Hopefully the next update is soon, I won't promise anything because I'm currently writing a new story.

Stay well and be kind😊

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