chapter 134 progress is slow but it can be beautiful

Start from the beginning

Lee:even if it meant death

Izuku;even if it meant my death i was a dead man anyway at that point in my life didn't actually think i could win that tournament it was just pure luck

Lee:yes but that's the problem Mr. Midoriya you did win, you won and now your out, you have no reason to feel like you need to put your life on the line

Izuku:tell that to the people that hate my guts

Lee: irrelevant

Izuku:very relevant

Lee:no, you paranoia makes it relevant. Yes a large portion of the population dislike you, a smaller portion hates you and a even smaller portion would act on there hate we are talking about about a bunch of moronic incels that spend all there time on there computers and don't go outside to enjoy the sun the chances of them finding you is smaller now then it was before so again you have no reason to believe that something will happen

Izuku;....fine your right

Izuku"i owe buck and the others an apology those guns in my shop are necessary"

Lee:you don't believe that but that's fine I'll make you believe it over time

Izuku:yeah and charging me am arm and a leg

Lee:oh please my prices are fair


Lee:alright that enough banter let's get back in to it

*Izuku sighed as he still had 2 hours to go before he was freed*

Meanwhile with momo

*We see her doing paperwork her foot was jumping up and down as she looked at the clock*

Momo:just a few more hours just a few more hours and I'll get to see my little girl just...

*Setsuna with the biggest most smug smile she could give place another pile of papers for momo to read and sign*

Momo:....i hate you....soo so much....

Setsuna;Uhu i love you too. Now I'm going to Starbucks and get your usual, what does jirou drink?

Momo:kyoka? Why would you get her a drink?

*Momo said looking at Setsuna confused, setsuna was looking at momo with am unamused expression*

Setsuna:you didn't dismantle all the cámaras in your office i know she's hiding in the bathroom and comes out every half hour so you two can make out so I'll ask again. What does she want?

Kyoka;.....a chai latte and a banana muffin....

*Kyoka said embarrassed through the bathroom door. Setsuna raised her eye at momo who was sinking down on her seat wishing the world would eat her alive*

Setsuna:also there's the fact that i can see kyoka's cheap Walgreens lipstick on your neck


*Setsuna turned around and walked away with kyoka coming out of the bathroom looking just as embarrassed as momo*

Momo:she's never gonna let me live this down is she?

Kyoka:nope and can you tell her to stop making stupid ass innuendos when denki's here? It's bad enough that I'm doing this to him i don't need her making me feel worse then i already am

Momo:if you feel so bad why do you keep coming back?

Kyoka;if i knew that don't you think i would fix that?

*Kyoka said with a frustrated whine covering her face with her hands. What should've been a one time thing mistake soon became an almost daily occurrence*

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