we get help from the missing eye

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Here is the thing, nobody ever told Regulus how much working with Gryffindors a pain in the ass can be. And with Dorcas sending daggers at him with her eyes, Regulus doesn't dare to question anything they were currently discussing.

More like fighting.

"Why can't I go with them?" Said a girl, Mary? He's not even completely sure who half of the people in here are. He can recognize faces from school or the Daily Prophet, but he can't put a name on them.

"I already explained, Mary." Lily groaned, dropping her head on Marlene's shoulder. "Someone needs to stay with Harry."

"Yes, but why me?" Mary argued back.

All the group collectively complained, some even sitting back down on chairs meaning this was a usual occurrence.

Marlene (he knows for certain that is her name due to Dorcas being obsessed with her during school) was the most exited out of everything. She looked like she wanted to jump out of her seat, nearly knocking down a flower vase when she walked through the door. He could tell he wasn't wanted around, with the various deadly looks he received so far, it was pretty obvious. And they say Slytherins are judgmental.

Regulus risked a look at Sirius, something warm in his chest flickering when he chuckled at something Lupin said, Potter beside them also laughing. Regulus quickly wiped a smile off his face when Potter's giggles reminded him too much of Evelyn. They were both loud, instantly pulling a room's attention without intending to, or with the need. Potter and Evelyn are too much alike for him to hear him talk without remembering her.

When solitude came earlier that day, it finally hit Regulus what he had done. The fact he seaked Sirius on his own was enough to send him spiraling down a whole of thoughts.

His list of concerns suddenly grew.

How did he look like?

What did he sound like?

Should he look at his face if they speak again?

Should he conceal the scars on his face once again? Evelyn didn't mind them. But that's probably because she would be too shy to say anything.

Sirius wide smile became smaller when he noticed him. He shouldn't even be in the same space as Sirius. Regulus didn't know where those thoughts came from. His insecurities? Still angry at his brother for leaving? Sirius shouldn't feel obligated to listen to him. 

"You! Black, come here." Alastor Moody suddenly yelled. Sirius was quick stepping up, a lazy smile on his face thrown back to his friends. "Not you Sirius. The Death Eater." His smile dropped in an instantly, turning to look at Regulus with worry.

Regulus tried to hide that hurt he felt. Sure, he's a death eater, it doesn't mean it didn't hurt any less. "Yes?" he murmured once close enough to the auror.

"I assume you were the one working with Dumbledore and Evelyn?"


"And how is that going? Progress?"

This time, he didn't bother to hide his emotions. Surprise took over his face, Dumbledore promised not to tell anybody and as far as he knows Evelyn isn't one to share secrets. Extremely loyal she is. "You—you know?"

"Only the basis." Moody shrugged, his face a reminder of the nasty work Evan did. He isn't getting out of this war without paying for that.

"There is only two left," Answered Regulus, "The snake and-and The Dark Lord."

"Hm, yeah, yeah. Need help with anything?"

Asking for assistance was always a struggle for Regulus, but now not, he could care less if he appears pathetic in front of this man. "Maybe with Him, yes...?"

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