black eye

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#1 criminals.

Sirius Black and Remus Lupin,
Are convicted criminals of the wizarding world, beware of the dangers they bring. Black and Lupin, aged twenty-two and twenty-one respectively, are highly dangerous to the community since they make part of a terrorist group named Order of The Phoenix.

In any case you see them make sure to contact the Ministry of Magic so we can help you ensure you and your family are safe.

Reward for their capture is 50,000 galleons.

Daily Prophet issued on November 27, 1981.


Movement on her left scared her, turning around really fast pointing her lit up wand to the thing, seeing how a black ball ran to hide away from her light. "Nox?" Her wand turned off, and with an annoyed sigh she turned it back on trying to illuminate where the fur ball went to.

"Nox" She tried calling again, thinking the animal she just saw was the black cat called Nox from her brother James. A small purr confirmed her suspicion when she turned her wand on again, watching in sadness as the fluffy cat comes out of a knight and walks up to her with doubt.

Evelyn dropped to the ground watching how Nox purred as he got between her legs trying to get her to pet him. Her anger towards her brother grew even more, furious with how he could let the poor cat, who clearly doesn't know how to take care of itself, out like that. She took him with in her arms, sick at James' behavior. She won't tell him she found Nox, let him suffer for treating a poor animal like scum.

Evelyn couldn't manage a few more steps before hearing a muffled cry, followed by a sob and sniffing. She stopped, gripping the cat harder than before, walking slowly to the person crying at a deadened of a hallway. She went to sit beside him while turning off her wand, petting the cat on her lap as she waited for Regulus to tell her to go away or anything for her to leave him alone. When he never spoke or moved, she took the opportunity to do so.

"I found Nox," She said excitedly, third year Evelyn was a nuisance, she couldn't care less about personal space or the stablished social hierarchy Regulus Black makes part of. "Which basically means he's mine now." She laughed wickedly, always wanting a cat of her own but her parents insisted the siblings could share Nox.

Regulus never said anything, shifting his gaze to the girl sitting beside him as he recognized her blond curls and voice anywhere without the need of light.

"What happened, Regulus?"

Evelyn woke with a start some time past midnight yet again, with headache forming the more she fully woke up. Sitting upright, feeling the salty wind coming from the open windows blowing her hair, she pinched herself to make sure she wasn't dreaming anymore. A dark figure under the threshold of the door made her break out in a series of screams, grabbing her wand from the nightstand ready to curse whoever was standing there.

The man quickly turned on the light, instantly revealing Regulus hoisting himself on the door handle, blood stains all over his shirt, hands and face.

"What the fuck!" Evelyn yelled once more, standing up on the messy bed as she pointed her wand at him, shaking even if it was Regulus. He looked terrifying with all the blood on him and who knows how he got to that point. "Regulus..."

"He's getting ruthless-" His small voice made her realize he means no harm, not no her, and so slowly she walked towards him. "I'm sorry for waking you up."

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