running is not your strength

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warnings: Physical violence (punches and strangling), magical violence, bleeding / blood loss, description of bruises, references to past child abuse and torture.

if you see any typos no you didn't 

The potion, unfortunately, was ruined.

And so was the little progress they had made with each other.

Friendship? ruined.

Regulus was barely home during January. During February he only ever came once a day to check how she was doing with the potion, only to leave again without much else being said.

With Moody gone, Evelyn knew the wizarding world was only getting worse, even if Regulus only brought with him the Daily Prophet almost never, she knew for sure things were really bad considering MACUSA was now getting involved with the war.

Worse of it all; the dreams are back.

Sleeping alone in a cabin in the middle of the woods doesn't help at all. She woke up most nights with sweat dripping down her chest and back, scared out of her mind of the odd dreams she gets. She didn't have a dreamless potion to take, so every night became a torture to fall asleep. Knowing that if she closed her eyes she will be hunted by the images she was seeing, Evelyn decided instead to stay up at night until sleep finally consumes her at the early hours of the morning.

There was some familiarity every time she would fall asleep, which scares her even more when she lives through memories she is sure aren't hers. Distress consumed her for days, not understanding what was happening with her brain at night was terrifying. She couldn't just pop at St.Mungo's, she would be instantly taken away and locked up considering she was the most wanted right now, but the thought of being alone at night with her mind was starting to create horrors for her during the day. She grew frustrated with every new dream she would get, spending hours upon hours trying to make some sense of what she was seeing.

It happened during the day as well, so intense sometimes she would lose her vision for a few minutes. 

It was always the same things; either hugging someone or laughing or crying with a missing face. Evelyn can't picture the person or any recollection she could use to connect the dots of what is happening to her, and as much as she tries, it never works. 

On the rare occasions Regulus was home Evelyn tried to act as normal as she could, working on the potion or pretending to be busy with something else. His intense glare was too much to take in to even look his way and whenever he tired making conversation (which she knows will be about them previously having sex) she fled the room the second she could.

Although they may dislike each other, there is something comforting about knowing she has a person to rely on.

It may sound mad, but they like there was one constant in her life.

She tried to keep herself occupied with other things. Like for instance, Evelyn hates snow after the thirty first of December, always has and always will. In her opinion, there is no point on it still being around after Christmas, and ever since she was young she asked her parents to magically get rid of it around their house. That's what she did for the most part of February, but getting rid of the snow around the cabin was more difficult than she imagined and it drained her so much she had to take breaks to sit down on the brand new grass she grew.

James used to say she was crazy, calling her a neurodivergent person, because who in their right minds could hate something as wonderful as snow?

She does. 

Evelyn knows it doesn't smell, but for her it does, a horrible smell that fills her brain with the urge to rip her skin apart. The crunch of it when she walks? Hates it. The brightness of it? Hates it even more. Maybe she is neurodivergent, after all, it's not common in the magical community to pay much attention to mental health issues or any issue regarding that in particular so might never know the reason why behind her one sided problem with snow.

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