The Halloween Disaster

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November 4, 1981

His screams were just too much. Echoing through the Potter's beach house so loudly Evelyn had no other choice than to transfigure a pillow into some earmuffs as she walks around the house trying to calm Harry down.

It wasn't how it was supposed to be. Her having to take custody of her nephew at just nineteen wasn't meant to happen.

It has been like that for the past week; Harry waking up in the middle of the night screaming for his mother and father. And even if she was a familiar face to the baby, he still begged with screams and sobs for his parents. It breaks Evelyn's heart every time she listens to Harry cry out for them, her tears getting lost with Harry's as they both would eventually fall back asleep holding each other. But not tonight. No matter what she did, the baby did not want to go back to sleep as tears poured down his face.

"Harry please... Stop crying my love you're driving me insane." She begged against his wet cheek, his wails only increasing in volume.

Evelyn was becoming crazy. She had no experience with babies before Harry, her being the youngest of her family did not help and the small contact she had with him while his parents were still alive didn't prepare her for how hard taking care of a baby actually is. She still couldn't process her brother is really gone. Completely alone in the world without parents, siblings or remaining family, nothing.

Evelyn cried along with Harry, not being able to grief herself due to Harry's needs. It feels like he's all she's focus on the past few days. The neglected letters and Daily Prophet's at the dining table put her away from the rest of the world celebrating war is over.

As soon as eight am came she dressed messily and didn't even bother to change Harry out of his pajamas, using the Floo Network to go to Diagon Ally.

Slug & Jiggers Apothecary was like a second home to her when she was child, always accompanying her father to drop potions or buy ingredients from the shop. Over the years it became her safe heaven how she could wander off or watch workers focus on potion making as Evelyn got lost in it all. Ruby, the daughter of its current owner, went to Hogwarts with her, only a few years older, and so seeing young Evelyn upon her doorstep with red eyes and a hiccupping baby on her arms made her eyes shadow in pity.

"Evelyn! Merlin what's wrong?" Ruby walked around the counter, reaching her hand to grab Harry's little chubby one as his fingers curled around her index finger. "I haven't seen you in years."

"Yeah," She laughed bitterly, adjusting Harry on her hip. "Blame the war." Ruby looked up to her in sorrow and at once Evelyn grew uncomfortable. "Do you have any Dreamless Sleep potion for a baby?" Her green eyes gazed at her with desperation.

Ruby nodded slowly, "I think we do but I'm not sure. We can brew it for you if you'd like."

Evelyn swallowed hard, already feeling Harry snoozing off on her shoulder. "That'll be wonderful thank you."

She stayed staring at Harry, more like gazing at the huge scar on his forehead which made Evelyn grow even more uncomfortable.

"I'll- um go get... I'll go get Re."

Evelyn nodded, not even knowing who Re was as she turned to look out the window, wizards already starting to fill Diagon Ally.

Skipping work today again is looking more and more tempting. Lately she hates the idea of getting on a broom and practicing for her team's next match against Tutshill Tornados, knowing for a fact the team captain Cody won't be happy about.

"Hello, the..."

A heavy posh accent brought her to turn around from the window to the counter, not expecting to see a replica of Sirius Black standing there with a shocked expression.

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