the secrets of Dumbledore

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Curfew will start at nine pm and end in the morning at six o'clock. Any wizard spotted out this during these hours without permission, will be arrested.

Decree number 5. November 10, 1981.

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"I can't believe this. They think we're still in Hogwarts or what?" Benjy Fenwick, a member of the Order she just met a few days ago, dropped the Daily Prophet on the dinning table.

"Curfew at Hogwarts started at ten thirty." Corrected Dorcas from somewhere in the room, Evelyn couldn't bother to see where she is with Harry on her chest sound asleep.

She had arrived to the headquarters of the Order only a half an hour ago, wanting to speak with Alastor about something regarding the Regulus situation when she realized she had walked in them discussing the new rules implied by the Ministry.

Evelyn had no idea there were new decrees imposed, the prophet doesn't go as far as France so her only option of knowing things was by asking Sirius or Remus, which she had no intention of considering how dangerous England got in just a week.

"New mission. Black, Mckinnon; you know what to do, the Prewett twins are already waiting for you. Dorcas and Mary disguises, now."

Evelyn stood up quickly, careful with Harry still clutching her chest. "Moody-"

"Potter, what are you doing here." Alastor turned quickly to her, his magical eye studying Harry and then her lazy choice of clothes she decided to wear.

"I wanted to speak to you about something..."

"Not now."

He kept on giving orders to any member in the house, sending patronus' left and right while Evelyn tried to speak with him.

"I know it's not the time, but listen it really is important... I can't do what Dumbledore asked me to if Harry is in the house, it's dangerous, only yesterday he tried drawing on a very important piece of parchment—"

"That's your fault for leaving it at his reach."

"I know, I know. But all this motherhood-godmother- or auntie or whatever the fuck- is really not working for me. I barely know how to take care of myself—"

"Clearly—" He looked her up and down.

"And so I need help, I can't do this alone."

"Evelyn, are you listening to yourself? You were one of the smartest girls at Hogwarts from what your parents said, even Minerva thought the same. You can figure it out."

At his words Evelyn stayed paralyzed on her spot, green eyes clouding in thoughts. That has to be a lie, why can't she seem to remember anything at all regarding this? She isn't smart, or anything like what most people believe, why the heck are they even thinking that about her?

"You're good at potions right? I need you to brew this." He handed her a huge envelop, heavy to the point she doubted if it even is a potion instruction. "And Potter—" Moody turned back to her, noticing now how all the house turned completely empty except for Sirius lingering behind.

Evelyn sighed, knowing her position with this mission, or lack of. "I'll be at the at the beach. Pretending not to notice Harry eating sand while I read."

She left before Sirius could pity her. Her muffled cries woke up Harry the minute they arrived home, leaving him in his room so he could play while she sulks in her room. Evelyn cried for her parents. For her brother. For Lily. For Harry having to grow up without parents. For Rose because she has no idea where she is. For Max and Rum. The past which she is so nostalgic about.

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