so it begins

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Hogwarts second year, 1975

Really, it was all James' fault.

He's the one to blame for every single bad thing that happens in her life. Like a butterfly effect. James is the reason anything bad goes even more wrong.

Evelyn skipped happily down the small hill at the grounds, wand ready to hex James or Sirius in case they decide to appear on her randomly like they have been doing for the past five days.

She walked inside the stable, petting with wonder the Thestral's she could not see but very well feel. Her eyes landed on a figure leaning at the far back, dark eyes staring with so much intensity Evelyn's smile faltered for a second.

"Hi." She spoke softly.

"...Hello." He replied, not moving from his spot.

"You're here for detention?"

"What do you think." His grey eyes staring without shame.

"Right, yeah..." Evelyn smiled stupidly, "I'm guessing it had to do with the duel that happened yesterday?"

Regulus Black made a noise in agreement.

She heard about it, Pandora made sure to tell them right as they sat to eat breakfast that morning. Her brother James and his friends happened to get into a fight with some Slytherin's, which caused Regulus Black to fall right in the middle of it when he tried to stop his brother from cursing Crouch. Rose-Mary was outraged about the whole thing, her crush on Barty blinding her into putting actual thoughts behind his resent questionable behavior.

"Professor Sinistra caught me after curfew-" Evelyn started explaining, only to get interrupted by Regulus.

"They usually just take points away if you break curfew."

"I know, just let me finish- I lied and made up this pathetic excuse explaining how I'm a sleepwalker, so she told me that she will speak to Flitwick about it. Yesterday he came to my dorm to see if I was taking any medication for it and he discovered the small Wiggentree tree Rose has which is full of Bowtruckle's."

It was all James fault, really. If he wasn't so careless with their shared cat Nox, which she had to go look for in the middle of the night, then Rose's tree wouldn't have been taken away after all this time they have taken care of it.

"You could just say Flitwick gave you detention and save the nonsense." He abruptly replied, his rudeness not bothering her a single bit.

"We're lucky we didn't face expulsion, owning Bowtruckle's is illegal in Britain." She finished, pretending not to notice the way he not so subtly sent daggers her way with just his eyes, "I'm Evelyn, by the way."

"I know who you are, Potter. You play for the Ravenclaw team."

"Right... No other reason." Her eyes shifted to the side before coming to stare at him again, trying to suppress a smile. "You're friends with Pandora, right?"


"She's a few years older than me-"

"Potter, no offence, but I don't care." He snapped, finally making Evelyn stop her nervous rambling to a stranger. Which mind her, he's not a stranger in her eyes considering how much she has heard about him through Sirius.

Evelyn backed away shyly, embarrassment growing on her crimson face while trying not to divert her eyes to him. Regulus is good looking enough to make her nervous on its own, scratch that, Regulus is absolutely gorgeous she can't help but want to stare up close at his face all day.

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