"I love how confident Caboose is that Church won't hit him." Pyrrha commented.

"Ren whats the math on this, ratios and all that, how is it possible he misses every shot!" Ruby groaned.

Ren frowned, "Hmm I haven't counted how many times he's shot. But I do know in all the shows history he has only landed one shot."

Ruby put her face in her hands and groaned.

"And technically it didn't happen because of the time loops." Jaune added helpfully.

Church: "Fuck! I missed him!"

Yang burst out laughing.

Caboose: "I knew you did!"

Church: "Go away!"

"Where are the other blues Church is with? They have to be hearing these shots." Blake commented.

"Maybe it's more fanatics." Weiss suggested.

Washington: "This is your friend?"

Caboose: "Yeah."

The shooting resumes

Ruby groaned again.

Washington: "And he's shooting at you."

Caboose: "Well, at me and stuff around me. Yeah, it is kind of like our thing. So he acts like he doesn't like me, but he really does. Oh and he might bring up something about me killing him, but that's only the truth. Uh it's a joke. *inhale* You could play along if you want!"

"The act like he doesn't like me part is actually true." Pyrrha smiled. "You could tell church didn't really hate him after the final episode of the Blood Gulch Chronicles."

Washington: "Wait, that doesn't make any sense. You did what? You- you killed him?"

"The serious Washington will soon meet the craziness of ghosts." Weiss sighed.

"You still don't like that?" Jaune asked.

Weiss nodded.

Church: "Hey, scram, seriously! Get the fuck outta here."

Caboose: "Hey Church! This is Agent Washington! He needs to speak to you."

Church: "Agent Wa- You brought a Freelancer here? What's wrong with you?"

"This should be the... third freelancer he's seen right?" Ruby asked.

Blake nodded, "And the two before have tried to kill him at least once."

"Not a good track record." Ren added.

Washington: "Open this gate."

Church: "Uh, no can do bud. See this is a secure facility: nobody in, nobody out. Sorry, I guess you'll have to come back, never."

Washington: "Oh no, then I guess we'll have to just walk through the huge hole in your secure wall."

Blake started laughing.

"Aww Blake's laugh is so cute." Ruby grinned, Blake blushed.

"And rare." Weiss added.

"Yours is rarer ice queen." Yang pointed out.

Church: "Fine, I'll open the fucking gate."

"He has been on screen for less than a minute and is already done with the world." Weiss chuckled. "Sometimes I can relate."

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