PT2: Chapter 26

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It was a Friday evening, and Minho just got out of the shower after a long day at work. Felix had called him pressed to make him come to his cafe. He apparently wanted to organize something for his birthday, which was coming this Sunday. The cafe was already closed, so the boys could have the whole thing for themselves and he knew Felix must have bought a few beers for everyone.

He had fallen asleep late the day before, he and Jisung had been texting every night, both of them too shy to meet face to face, but bold enough to converse by their phone.

He decided to wear nice clothes for once, knowing a few of his friends might be there.

He left for the cafe, his body physically tired, but his mind excited for the encounter. He smiled to himself, feeling that his demeanor has changed a lot lately. He knew he had been feeling giddier about life, his mood brighter than it had been for the last years.

When he arrived at the said place, his heart nearly skipped a beat as he realized who was there. Felix was sitting closely to Changbin, who was sitting in front of Jisung, just beside the guy that he thought was Chan. He had never really talked to Chan, but knowing that Jisung was there was enough to make him feel anxious, and for his palms to get sweaty.

He entered, noticing how every head turned to him. Jisung seemed surprised to see him, he now understood that Felix didn't warn the others that he was coming.

Chan looked intrigued, but didn't seem particularly unhappy to see him, unlike Changbin, who glared at him almost immediately.

He gulped as he entered, greeting everyone and sitting beside Felix.

"Uhm, aren't Hyun and Seungmin coming?" Minho asked, needing his friends there in order to feel less anxious

"They couldn't, but it's okay, I'll tell them what we organize for Sunday" Felix explained as he smiled

"These two... Must be on a date" Minho muttered, annoyed.

"What is it on Sunday?" Jisung asked. Minho frowned, the boy seemed clueless.

"My birthday, I want to invite you and some of my friends. I'm turning 27, it's rather important" Felix explained as he smiled warmly, and Minho noticed how Changbin's expression softened.

"Wait, really?" Jisung exclaimed happily "My birthday is tomorrow, we're literally twins!" Jisung almost yelled, feeling way too giddy about it.

Minho smiled to himself. He didn't know when Jisung's birthday was, and he was pretty happy to finally have this information.

Chan chuckled at his reaction, and laughed wholeheartedly when Felix widened his eyes, also happy to know that.

"OH MY GOD" Felix yelled "Are you organizing something??" He asked excitedly.

"Just a drink in some bar I guess" Jisung responded "You're welcome though!" He added, smiling brightly at him.

Minho smiled unconsciously, silently hoping he could join them too.

"Yeah!" Felix responded happily "I'm going to invite some friends on Sunday, if you want to come as well, I'll be glad"

For the rest of the evening, they talked lightly, and Minho got to know a bit more about Jisung's colleagues and best friends.

Chan was sweet. He got along pretty well with Minho, he seemed chill and lighthearted, he thought he was a nice friend.

Changbin stood cold towards Minho. He knew why, he understood that the boy tried to protect his friend, but it annoyed him a bit.

When Chan went to the bathroom and Changbin was absorbed by Felix, Minho took the occasion to have a talk with Jisung.

"So, you're taunting me for being 28 when you're turning 27 in a few hours?" Minho teased, and his heart fluttered at Jisung's sweet chuckle

"I know, that's stupid" Jisung responded "When's your birthday by the way?" He asked, genuinely curious

"25th october" Minho responded

"Oh, I'll remember it then, it's soon" Jisung smiled softly at him

"What present are you buying me?" Minho asked

"Mmmh, I don't know, I'll bring you to a nice restaurant" Jisung said with a chuckle

"Okay, then let me bring you to a restaurant tomorrow" Minho asked, and Jisung blushed a bit.

Was it a date? Or was Minho being unserious? Jisung didn't know, but he liked the intention.

"Are you trying to get into his pants?" Changbin asked, not so humoristically. It made Minho uncomfortable.

"Huh? No" Minho defended, and Jisung chuckled as a way to lighten the atmosphere

"I'll come gladly, Minho" He added, and smiled softly at Minho's hopeful and delicate eyes.

Changbin huffed, and that was enough for Minho. He decided to leave, thanking Felix for inviting him and saying goodnight to the others.

He didn't left while being mad at anyone, and didn't want to make Jisung uncomfortable as he smiled reassuringly at him, signaling him that there was no problem at the moment.

As he got home, he couldn't stop himself from feeling excited for the next day. He smiled also when he realized that Jisung felt the same, the notification on his phone being enough proof of it.



i'll pass by your house tmr before the restaurant, i have to pass by the studio before

if it's alright for u

oh, no problem

there's my address: xxx


ur not that far from mine

how come we've never seen each other before

we must have, we just didn't know

the world is small, isn't it

look at you already getting wiser


my birthday is in an hour

you can't tease me



Happy birthday Jisungie

I'm glad you were born


Thanks Minho



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