Chapter 1 - Dr. (Y/n) (Y/l/n)

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Dr. (Y/n) (Y/l/n).

After many taxing years of hard work, extreme studying and way too many student loans, she never got tired of hearing that well earned title. And after her 5 year residency, Dr. (Y/l/n) found herself as one of the top surgeons at Metro-General Hospital in New York.

Her and Dr. Stephen Strange.

"There you are, (Y/l/n)."

"That's Dr. (Y/l/n), to you." She smirked.

Stephen found her sitting in the cafeteria taking a small but much needed break. She had just finished an 8 hour surgical procedure and desperately needed a coffee.

"Yeah, right. Anyways, I need you. We're starting an appendectomy on a 27 year old." He said, now standing next to her empty table and handing her a file.

"Right now?" She groaned, to which he nodded, "Can't you get someone else to help? You know... I think you find doctors in a hospital?" She paused, a look of confusion muddled across her face as she looked up at him, "Why are you even performing this? I thought you were a neurosurgeon."

She grabbed the file and flicked through it, but it was evident that her coffee break was more than needed. Her eyes scanned the pages and she shook her head, trying to regain focus on the words.

She was exhausted.

And while (Y/n) knew this was part of the job, she also knew Stephen just wanted to play his famous musical guessing game. It was easy, someone played a song and the others guessed what it was, who sang it, what year, etc.

It was a nice way to kill time while everyone worked. But Stephen was incredibly competitive, since he always won.

Almost always.

And he just liked proving he was right any chance he got.

And perhaps he liked spending the extra time with his best friend.

"Everyone else is busy. And Billy made a bet with some of the other surgeons about me so I intend to make sure he doesn't lose. Besides, you know how picky I am with my assistance." He finished, offering her his hand which she irritatedly took, now realising her break had just been cut extremely short.

"I'm flattered." She deadpanned, following him out of the cafeteria and throwing away her almost empty coffee.


They had a funny relationship.

Best friends?


Possibly more?

Definitely not.

After suffering through all their education, once they met at their appointed hospitals during residency, they just seemed to get along.

(Y/n) was smart. Very intelligent, but mainly because she always put in the extra effort - yes, try hard, I know.

But Stephen?

He had a gift.

His brain just worked differently, and even though he did still work very hard, he didn't have to work as hard. This started to build somewhat of an ego. And while most other staff at the hospital found this incredibly irritating, (Y/n) found a certain charm to it.

And Stephen appreciated having someone as intelligent by his side. He thought it made their interactions easier, since they understood each other much better.

They are definitely just friends.

He would invite her to speaking events and galas, benefits for hospitals, everything, if she wasn't already invited as a separate guest. And while those things were usually just sooooo boring, they always found a way to make it fun.

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