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                                                                                 1 month later . . . . .

Wow, it's been a long month. I've been doing nothing but chores and nonstop training. I now have great control over Hestia's blessing and Hades. He gave it to me after I did him a favor by getting Nico out of trouble with a group of monsters. I now can manipulate them almost as easily as water. I have been tuning into my domains and training them as well. My control over water, storms, the earth, and swordsmanship have increased 50x fold. My skills in time manipulation have increased as well. I am still learning what to do with my loyalty, betrayal, and hero domains but oh well. Oh and guess what. I'm actually good at archery!!! I am of course not as good as the hunters or the twin archers. But if I were to guess I would say I have a 80% percent chance to hit the target and a 30% chance to hit a bullseye. Pretty good for me huh. I would be enjoying myself if it weren't for those wretched hunters. The only people who talk to me or Thals and Artemis. At least the younger hunters are warming up to me. But not the older hunters. They've been "pranking" me ruthlessly. First it was hanging me upside down but it progressed to the occasional "stray" arrow and so much more. It was awful. Even Thalia joined in some times. I was lonely and falling into an even deeper depression. The only person who helped rid me of those moods was Artemis. We hung out regularly and became good friends if I do say so myself.

I snapped back to reality and resumed my chore of washing their clothes. Let me tell you. If they had to wear one piece of clothing a day they would be set for the next millenia. I was zoned out doing their laundry when I felt vibrations on the ground. I turned and went to go find the disturbance. After a minute or 2 of walking I found myself in a large clearing surrounded by a grove of trees. Then suddenly a group of about 15 hunters came out. I recognized some of them. There was the fiery Ares girl Phoebe. She was lean with dark red hair and a sploosh of freckles on her face. She currently had a sneer on her face and her piercing black eyes shone with hate. Next to her was her best friend Atlanta. The daughter of Apollo was small and lithe. With brown hair and blue eyes. She was one of the best of the hunters. She and Phoebe had arrived together somewhat during the end of Ancient Greece. They were extremely skilled and held an unparalleled hate for all males. Black, white, green, or blue, if you were a male they were coming for you. Anyways next there was the trio of siblings. Alice, Christy, and Jasmine. They were from Victorian times late 1700's. They were daughters of Iris but they were no way near close to being as friendly and cheerful as their mother. They were small and deadly. They joined at the age of 11. They hated all men too, just not as much. Phoebe stepped out in front of them.

"Phoebe." I said curtly. She gave no indication that she noticed me as she drew out a hunting knife and began twirling it absentmindedly.

"Riddle me, this boy. What has 2 legs, 2 arms, green eyes, black hair, and about to die. I cocked my head in confusion. What was she talking about? Wait, weren't there 15 of them where 7 of them go. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my head and my vision went dark.

I woke up tied to a tree in the middle of nowhere. I was spread eagle with only my boxers on. I could feel thorns tied tight around causing ichor to gush out of my feet and wrists. My body was covered in scratches of all sorts. Some shallow and an inch long to some deep gashes traveling as much a foot in half of length. There were also many cuts going across my face causing the golden ichor to get in my eyes. I mentally checked the time and saw that it was 8:30 pm in July. 15th! I've been out here for 2 days. When I was mugged it was July. 13th!!! I was livid. They left me out here for 2 DAYS!!! BLEEDING OUT LIKE A USELESS CORPSE!!!. I was so mad that I went into my divine form for a minute thoroughly vaporizing my "restraints" and 3 trees around me. I summoned some ambrosia and nectar. I ate 4 cubes of ambrosia and poured some nectar on my wounds. I also sped time up around my body to help heal my wounds. After 30 minutes I was at my max. I looked up and saw it was around 9:00. I planned out my revenge and put my gear on. It was Poseidon's birthday gift. I had a black shirt and pants on with steel tipped leather knee high boots. I then put on my overcoat which I enchanted to be indestructible. I put on my vambraces with hidden blades and then summoned a mask. It was a pure black mask that fit like a second skin. It had eye holes and slits for a nose. The best part of it though was that there was a black wispy essence that came off the mask. I put on my pitch black cowl that had silver lines running through it. It connected with my overcoat and had silver lines run through it as well. I also had a small stygian iron breastplate that was silver and gleaming. I strapped on my bow and quiver along with my throwing knives. Oh did I mention I was great at that. I can beat Lady Artemis herself. Not bragging. Anyway I summoned my sword Riptide and a sheath for it. I also summoned my other sword Χάος which roughly translates to Chaos. Fitting for a god of Destruction. I focused up and drew my revenge plan. It went like . . . ...................................................................................................

Artemis P.O.V.

I was walking back to my tent when I heard a blood curdling scream. I ran to the source of the noise and saw a horrific sight. I saw all the hunters shooting as fast as they could into the dark forest. Quick as a flash 4 throwing knives came out of the inky black void and knocked out Jasmine and Christy while cutting the bow string of Phoebe and Atlanta. I turned to look back at the forest and summoned my bow. I shot a Gamma arrow. Let me explain. Gamma arrows are to only be used if you are in dire need. They are only to be shot if it is a top tier threat. You cannot make them, only a special reactor Rhea made can but it can only make up to 100 for each Olympian before it goes on a yearly cooldown. Each Olympian gets their own type of Gamma weapon. Me and Apollo get a Gamma arrow, Zeus gets a Gamma Bolt, Poseidon gets a Gamma torpedo, Hades gets a Gamma spike, Ares and Athena get a Gamma spear head, Dionyus and Demtre get a Gamma vine, Aphrodite gets a Gamma garrote, Hephaestus gets a Gamma hammer and Hera and Hermes get a Gamma laser. I believe Hermes calls his Laser Mode. Anyway, back to the moment. The arrow glowed a silver so bright that it hurt to look at. It went toward the forest at super speeds and as I prepared for the explosion by providing a shield for me and my hunters. I saw it turn purple than black, then fade into nothingness. I was shocked and then I saw a pair of poison green glowing eyes stare at me. I felt pure raw fear. They were like fireballs and greek fire combined. The fire dripped down and fell in a puddle making some light form around him. I saw the shadows condense and cover him up. Then suddenly he was gone. Everything went back to normal and I was about to flash out and inform Olympus of a new threat when the ground started to shake. I saw a column of flames form out of the ground and disappear to show Percy in his armor from our duel without his mask. He looked at the hunters who were now staring slack jawed at him and some of them with fear.

"FOR 2 DAYS, I WAS CHAINED TO A TREE. FOR 2 DAYS, I WAS IN THE WILD CHAINED AND UNCONSCIOUS!!! WHEN I WOKE UP I WAS COVERED IN CUTS AND MY OWN ICHOR!!!" He roared. The ground started to shake and Percy started to glow purple. His eyes glowed a toxic green. "TELL ME HUNTERS, WHAT HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE THIS LEVEL OF HATE!! FOR BEING BORN A MALE. TELL ME HUNTERS, TELL ME, DOES BEING WRONGED BY A MALE MAKE EVERY PERSON OF THE GENDER A PIECE OF GARBAGE!! I CAME HERE TO HEAL AND LEARN. NOT TO BE A SLAVE. I HAVE BEEN WRONGED TOO. I WILL SHOW YOU MY LIFE. LET'S SEE IF I'M WORTHY OF THEIR COMPASSION. Iris if you will. A giant rainbow image came up. Right before it started Percy's eyes combusted into the flames and he put on his mask. I realized he was the man from earlier and before I could get to him he teleported away. I realized I couldn't go after him so I just focused on the screen.

Hey guys! Sorry for not being present. I got caught up with reading and not writing. Sorry again for my random posts but I promise with each chapter it gets longer and better quality. A heads up don't expect posts from much later. I have football and a busy summer. I mean American football btw. Gtg. Byeeee.

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