I make a new friend.

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I reach the Hesperides garden and walk to Ladon's tree.

"Hello Ladon, I am Percy Jackson and I am here under a quest for Athena to get 10 golden apples for Annabeth's hand in marriage. I shout

" Hello young one, so you need to get golden apples to finish your quest, But you will need to defeat me, will you give me an honorable fight." Ladon spoke, his 100 green scaly heads twitching in anticipation.

"I will Ladon," I shout. I lunged forward

Time skip 5 hours . . . . . .

I was exhausted, controlling his poison and lifting all that water against him was so tiring. I managed to cut down 85 heads but after attempting to cut down the 86th he smacked me with his giant tail into a tree with enough force for it to crack. I got up with a stabbing pain in my left side and as a last resort summoned a massive storm and earthquake to give me energy and knock Ladon off balance. Luckily it worked and he stumbled. I jumped into action and cleanly sliced 10 heads off using ice spikes for 5 of them. I dodged a swipe of claws and chopped his 96th head off. I leapt out of his reach and used ice spikes to cleave 2 more heads off and nearly a 3rd.

I jumped back in and chopped the 3rd head off.

"Do you yield Ladon?" I said in a menacing growl.

"Yes, congratulations on defeating me Percy, you truly gave me an honorable fight. In return for such a fight. I give you unlimited apples from the tree, immunity to my poison, and the title of Defeater of Ladon. You may now take the apples."

He shot an orb of toxic green at me and I felt power rush through me as well as more energy.

"Thank you Ladon. I hope you heal well." I said.

"Likewise Perseus. I am honored to call you a friend." Ladon spoke wearily.

I went to the tree and got 12 apples. I felt I might need some for later use. I left the garden when suddenly my awesome dad Poseidon flashed in front of me.

"Percy, my son, how have you been?" Poseidon asked with a smile on his face.

With a forced smile " Great dad I just came from a quest to earn Annabeth's hand in marriage."

"That's great my son, I'm so proud of you I wish we could talk more but Olympus has summoned me. As a gift I will teleport you to your cabin." Poseidon said, looking peeved he had been summoned to Olympus.

"Thank you, dad. Let's talk soon." I told him. I felt a tingling sensation and was suddenly back in my cabin. To be truthful, the whole reason I wanted to propose now was because she, like everyone else in camp, started to get more distant after the awards ceremony.

Flashback 2 months prior . . . . . .. . . 

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