The new god of time (more domains to come)

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I woke up to another bad dream about Tartar sauce claiming he was going to kill me and stuff. Oh well. I got up, worked out, took a shower and got ready. Today I had on some light armor since yesterday was the easy stuff. I knew I needed to armor up a bit. I had on a leather chestplate, gauntlets, and celestial bronze greaves. I also took a shield with me. I checked the time in my head. It was 5:15 so I flashed to the courtyard. When the light died down from me flashing I saw Zeus with his armor on yesterday and ......... his MASTER BOLT! Uh oh, I know I made fun of it before but that bolt could make a minor god fade.

"Ah, Perseus, glad to see you put armor on. You're going to need it." Zeus said grinning mischievously. Once again Zeus summoned the portal and we jumped in.

I was expecting the same dusty arena as yesterday but shockingly we were in a forest. I looked around and saw twisting vines and a waterfall flowing into a lake. It was breathtaking.

"Zeus, where are you? Why have you taken us here." I called out only to find it echo around me. Suddenly the hairs on my neck stood up and I heard a high pitched whine. I jumped out of the way and split second after a lightning bolt crashed into the ground sending a small shockwave. It made me stumble, but I quickly recovered and looked for a place to hide. I scrambled behind a large crevice in the ground and was trying to think of what to do when I suddenly heard Zeus telepathically speak, "The only way to get me to stop is if you slow me down and make it rain." Zeus said. I heard the whine again and dove out of the way and ran into a ditch. I was trying to tap into my time powers when I finally felt that familiar feeling in my gut. I stood up, eyes glowing a bright gold, and let them loose. A massive gold shockwave came out of me and grew and grew until after stretching out as far as the eye can see a figure became outlined in gold for me to see. I smirked and an hourglass in my head having its sand fall down slowly appeared in my head. I saw the outline of Zeus start to move slowly and stop. I smirked in triumph and then headed over there. . . . . . . .

I saw Zeus stuck in place struggling to get out. I unfroze him and he spoke

"Congratulations, Perseus, you have gained full knowledge of how to use this power. It is from Kronos' memories himself." He shot a golden orb at me and suddenly I knew how to perfectly use this power. I knew how to stop, speed, slow, travel, and freeze people in time. I nodded in thanks. Zeus opened the portal and we traveled back to the Olympian Kings courtyard.

"Congratulations Nephew, you have proven you know basic god abilities and the full domain of time, I'm proud of how far you've come in such a short time. It usually takes gods a month before they master basic god abilities and you have done it in a day." Zeus complimented, "I will now teleport you to your next location for your training. Don't worry your stuff is already there. You make Olympus proud." He then threw his master bolt at me and I felt myself turn into lightning and fly away in electricity 

Sorry for the late update, there is a huge lice outbreak in my neighborhood and I'm lazy I promise to update more.

Never AgainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora