The Arrival

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.                                                     The Next Day. . . . . . . . .

I woke up to another nightmare of old Tartar Sauce and Dirt Face torturing me and began my daily routine of working out, showering, and then changing. I flashed to the courtyard of Zeus' palace. Zeus was there in a pinstripe suit with his salt and pepper beard and hair freshly combed and shaved. He saw me and beckoned me forward.

"Perseus, in the short time we've shared you have shown me how to be a better god from respecting all beings to showing courage in tough times. You have shown me how to be a greater god. For this I will bless you with all the abilities of an exceptionally strong child of Zeus. You will gain minor wind control, major lightning control, and the ability to fly." Zeus spoke. I was shocked but I quickly recovered and gave him a hug. I surprised him but after a moment he returned the favor.

"Thank you uncle for this gift, and please my friends call me Percy." I said gratefully. After Zeus recovered he shot a light blue orb into me and it increased my domain of storms. I nodded my thanks and he waved his hand and I felt my form fade into mist as I reached my next destination.

10 months later . . . .

I flashed myself to Artemis' camp. In the 10 months of learning my domains of Tides, Earth, Destruction, Loyalty, Betrayal, and Swordsmanship. I learned how to make the Earth move as if it was connected to me. I could form near unbreakable walls, level mountains, and cause Earthquakes in someone or around me. With the domain of Tides it basically just enhanced my hydrokinesis to the point where I can form 10 hurricanes the size of Hurricane Katrina without breaking a sweat. I can also freeze, boil, and control blood, water, and ice. I can also mist travel which is basically shadow travel with water. I can summon water from the air and feel people around me. The domain of destruction basically lets me become a berserker and kill anything lower than an Olympian with ease. I can shoot purple laser beams that make a nuke look like a grenade but only 4x every 15 minutes. With Betrayal and Loyalty I can sense who someone is loyal to and influence that loyalty so they become loyal to me. With Betrayal I know who has broken people and turned to the other side. With swordsmanship I know every style of swordsmanship and can recognize any type of sword and sword style and instantly know how to beat that style. Over those 10 months I have grown closer to every god/goddess and we all know have a mutual respect for each other and me and Ares are now friends. I know right. Anyway when the purple light died down I was in the middle of Yellowstone National Park. Using the water in the air I sensed that the Hunters were about 3 miles to the south of me. I began my trek to the hunters.

After about 15 minutes I saw the glimmer of silver tents in a small mile wide clearing. I put on a hood and summoned a mask to protect my identity. I mind messaged Artemis to tell her I had a mask and a hood on and not to freak out. I received no reply. I sighed and then strode in with my hands up. Almost immediately after I walked into their line of sight I was fired at multiple times. I caught 2 arrows and burned them, then I used the earth to bring up 4 rocks to deflect them. I looked around and saw the hunters looking at me in surprise. After a long moment a hunter with fiery red hair and freckles spoke up.

"Who are you boy and why do you interfere with the mighty Hunters of Artemis." She spat out the boy like it was some poison.

"I am here to see Lady Artemis, she is going to teach me in my domain of heroes." I spoke calmly.

"Milady Artemis does not concern herself with the likes of little boys. Go now before we decide to castrate you." She yelled. Just as things were about to get violent the one and only Artemis came out of her tent and saw us. She looked at me and realized I was the one and only Percy Jaackson. I mind messaged her to play along. She nodded slightly.

"Who are you boy and why have you entered my camp?" She questioned.

"I have been assigned here for you to teach me my domain of Heroes." I spoke. After a second she sighed and spoke.

"What he speaks is true, here take this and we'll start training at 5:00 sharp. Don't be late." She said as she tossed me a pocket square which I recognized as one of her enchanted tents. It was already sunset and I got her at 4:00 after a hard day of intense sparring with Ares so I summoned a burger with Hestia's blessing and set up my tent and went to sleep. 

     Sorry for being lazy new chapter out soon. Like today or tomorrow soon.

Thanks for 1.7k reads means a ton.

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