Flashback Part 1

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 Flashback 2 months prior . . . . . .. . .

It was chaos. I couldn't remember anything but cutting down monsters. As much as we tried there were just too many. I summoned a magnitude 8 earthquake with giant ice spikes to cut down ⅓ of the army. Then I summoned a hurricane and propelled myself forward to Gaea and started to attack with Riptide. I thrusted, slashed, parried, flipped, jabbed but nothing worked.

"Puny demigod. Why don't I show you real power." Gaea jeered. Her earthy golden eyes flashing an insane look. She raised her hands and vines as thick as Hannibal flew through the ground and toward a shape. I looked closely and saw . . . ANNABETH. The vines were strangling her and she was choking. Then she went limp. Her dagger fell from her hand. The world stopped. I was shocked. My life for us came crashing down.

"GAEA!!!" I screamed. I then did something I swore I would never do again. I controlled blood. Gaea writhed in pain screaming.

"W  w what did y you do to me demigod?" Gaea screamed fear evident in her.

"Did you know in Tartarus I controlled Akhlys' poison and then her blood." I snarled, my eyes glowing toxic green. "I did and guess what, ichor is made of 75% water. As a son of Poseidon I can control water I can melt it, freeze it, or boil it." Gaea gulped.

"I can do that to ichor as well." I raised my arms and she fell to the ground letting out a bloodcurdling shriek.

"I am making your blood move faster and faster and faster until. . ." I growled.

POOF Gaea exploded into dust. I grinned in satisfaction until I looked around and saw everyone staring at me in shock, awe, and fear. I didnt care I wanted revenge and I got it. I suddenly felt a wave of exhaustion and I passed out. I only heard one thing before I fell. It was Poseidon screaming my name

Timeskip 12 hours later . . . . . . . . . .

I woke up feeling groggy, tired, and had a massive headache. I opened my eyes and immediately wished I hadn't. My eyes swam in bright cold and neon white.

"I must be in Apollo's palace." I voiced out loud.

"Percy, finally you're awake. It's been 12 hours, almost 13 to be exact. We were all very worried."

I remembered everything, including Annabeth's death.

"Is A a annabeth really dead?" I asked, mind filling with horrible images of her dead.

"No, it was a close call but she lived." Apollo told me. I was filled with happiness.

"Thank you Apollo. Where is everyone?" I asked.

"They are in the throne room waiting to begin the awards ceremony "Let's go and get it over with." I sighed, getting up. I ignored Apollo's protests of me not ready to walk yet and started walking to the throne room. After a little while we arrived. Luckily just as Zeus began his speech.

"Heroes, I must say without you Olympus would have fallen so I will give all of you partial immortality. You have proven to everyone that Olympus is a force to be reckoned with. For that we must thank you. Now I must ask for the 7 to come forward. " Zeus shouted. Hazel, Frank, Jason, Leo, Piper, Annabeth, and I came forward. I saw many olympians looking at me with respect and a touch of fear in their eyes.

"As a thanks for aiding us in defeating Gaea and the giants you will get a wish or godhood as well as partial immortality." Zeus said.

Hazel got Frank's curse removed and Frank did the same.

Jason was crowned minor god of storms, bricks, and lightning,

Piper was crowned minor goddess of beauty, passion, and charm speak.

Annabeth was crowned minor goddess of pride, treachery, and architecture.

Leo wished for Calypso to be freed. 

"Percy Jackson please step forward." Poseidon called. I did.

"Perseus we are offering you the position of an Olympian on the council for all the work you have done for us. Do you accept it? " Zeus said dramatically. 


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