The Duel

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I woke up to a loud ping in my head. I shot off my bed like a bullet and had my sword Riptide at the ready. I saw Artemis in my tent with a look of surprise on her face. She quickly steeled herself and turned to me. Awkward silence descended over us.

"Soooo, why are you in my tent?" I asked Artemis curiously. Artemis snapped out of her trance and her face turned red in anger.

"I WAS waiting at the spot where I told you to meet me at but YOU didn't show up so I came to your tent to look for you." She spoke. I checked the time with my time domain and saw that it was 1: 10 minutes after I took that nap.

"Sorry Artemis." I mumbled. Artemis scowled and crossed her arms.

"As punishment you shall do the Hunt's chores for a week." She decided eventually. I grumbled.

"As to start your punishment you shall make dinner for the hunt. They go through a lot of calories since we are always on the move so make a lot of food." She said, "But first, I Phoebe Artemis, Goddess of the Moon and 9th Olympian, challenge Perseus Jackson the two time Savior of Olympus and god of Time to a duel. Not just any duel but a Μονομαχία χάλυβα και αίματος" Crud. She challenged me to a formal duel. By Ancient Law (the parts I was still bound to) I had to accept or I would face consequences that were always harsh. It was a duel to where the opponent yields or is too injured to continue.

I groaned, "Seriously you had to challenge me to Μονομαχία χάλυβα και αίματος" A Μονομαχία χάλυβα και αίματος or a Duel of Steel and Blood. Thank Khaos it wasn't a Duel to the Death but it was still troublesome.

She smirked and teleported us to a large clearing. "It worked didn't it?" She pulled out her bow and I pulled out my sword. We then prepared to fight.


Artemis P.O.V.

I was preparing myself to fight Perseus. I prepared myself for challenging him. He is probably as strong as a second generation Olympian and he is still relatively untrained, I will give him that. I will still win though. Can't wait to see my knife against his neck. This is going to be easy. I then summoned a bow and Silveron silver hunting knives. I summoned some light armor for my torso, forearms, shins, and steel tipped boots. I then turned around and saw Perseus. He was in Obsidian black knight armor with a steel greek helm. His entire body was covered with this armor and you could only see his glowing green eyes and his soft, tender mouth. . . . . FOCUS Artemis!!! I yelled at myself. You aren't developing feelings for him are you now Artemis. Not after -

"Artemis, it isn't nice to stare. I thought you were better than that." A deep voice said. I snapped out of my musings and saw Percy smirking. I felt my face flush red in embarrassment.

" I i was just admiring your armor. Truly a work of art now tell me where did you get it?" I covered smoothly. Percy gave me a shit eating grin.

"Dad gave it to me as a thank you gift and a birthday present for defeating Gaea. He said it was made of Volcanic Obsidian, Stygian Iron from Hades, Silveron, Celestial Bronze, and Atlantean Lining. It was blessed by dad to help me control water and keep my temperature regulated. It was forged by the Hecatonchires and Hades blessed it as well and said it gave me limited control over shadows. Dad had to pull a lot of favors to get it made. That is why he is the best. But enough talking Arty, Lets fight!" Percy shouted.

He then pulled out riptide and another sword that looked like to be made out of imperial Gold with Silveron veins. I pulled out my bow and the battle started.


Percy P.O.V.

As I got into my stance, Artemis began firing arrow after arrow with godly speed. I slowed time slightly and cut down 10 of them with a slash. I then put up an earth wall and resumed time normally. The wall of Earth quickly broke under the force of the arrows, but by the time the wall broke I was ready. I tapped into my destruction domain and pointed my finger at her bow and arrows.

"Καταστρέφω" I whispered. Her bow and all of her arrows turned into dust. Artemis was stunned.

"How?" She muttered. She snapped out of her trance and pulled out her hunting knives. In a second she was upon me but I was already blocked with Riptide. I then used Riptide's counterpart, Caedes, to strike her foot. She barely rolled out of the way in time. Just as I was about to advance to attack her, she glowed silver and blasted moonlight out of her. I smirked, I turned into vapor at the last second and watched as a crescent beam shot past me. I then watched Artemis look for me all around and I formed behind her. I whispered boo and watched as Artemis jumped in shock. She turned around and growled at me before charging with her knives. Blow after blow, dodge after dodge we fought for what seemed like minutes but was really 3 hours. Finally I saw a mistake in her form. Only a minor over extension of her arm but it was enough. I yanked her arm forward and took her daggers from her. I then kicked her in the stomach and watched as she flew into a tree. Then going faster than Hermes threw her knife with pinpoint accuracy into her shoulders armor pads with the hilts hitting her. She groaned in pain. I smirked and stalked forward. I pointed my swords at her neck.

"Yield." I commanded not demanded. She growled but winced in immediate pain.

"Fine, I Phoebe Artemis yield to Perseus Achilles Jackson in a Μονομαχία χάλυβα και αίματος." Let it be known through Olympus." I smirked and summoned some ambrosia to heal her wounds. I took a small square as I had virtually no wounds except a small gash on my head. I popped it into my mouth and immediately tasted my mom's blue cookies. I helped Artemis onto her feet and I reversed time to erase all damages to the forest. I popped another ambrosia square into my mouth to give some energy back and we flashed back to her camp. I took a quick shower and put on blue jeans, a white tee shirt and a blue hoodie. We then walked over to the dining tent. I was about to summon a feast when Phoebe snarled,

"Aren't you going to make dinner, male or just stand there with your eyes closed like a little weak man." I steeled my face and looked at her.

"Well, Phoebe, if you let me finish you would have had food already so if I will." I summoned a whole feast of food for the hunters. There were piles upon piles of food like bison, burgers, ribs, corn, squash, and turkey. One of the younger hunters said tentatively,

" H how did you do that?" I smiled.

"I have Hestia's blessing and using that I summoned food straight from her table." I spoke. I then mist traveled to my tent before they could say anything and hit the bed .

Never AgainOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz