A wake up call

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I woke up to a bucket of cold water being splashed onto me. I jolted up and opened my eyes to see the hunters . . . . . . . upside down!?! I realized that I was hanging in the air on a rope.

"What is the meaning of this, let me down." I said. The leader of the group stepped forward. I recognized her as the hunter I met yesterday. I think her name was . . . . . . . Phoebe?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Phoebe spoke up, "Now let's see what kind of filthy male is under that mask of yours." Another voice from the back chorused, "He will also be late to meet Artemis.!" joyously. I sensed that the time was 4:50!! Oh Hades, I only had 10 minutes to get ready and meet Artemis!! I focused back in when I saw Phoebe pull out a knife and some shackles. Deciding enough was enough I stopped time around the whole camp, mist traveled out of the trap and flashed them all out of my tent. I then unfroze time and after I finished getting ready I heard Phoebe scream in anger. I smirked silently. I checked the time and saw that it was 4:58:45! I had to get going, now!! Unfortunately I was at the far side of camp and Artemis was in the middle. Now for reference Camp Half Blood is 60 miles length and width wise. Artemis camp is double that. I sprinted at speeds faster than Hermes and right as it hit 5:00 I reached the tent. I stopped and calmed myself down to lower my raised heartbeat. A slight sheen of sweat encased my forehead and my upper back and chest. I was about to knock on the tent's flap when Artemis burst through and ran into me. I braced for impact but the damage was done . . . . I fell right on top of Artemis!!!

I turned my head very slowly to see Artemis with a furious glare directed at me. I quickly jumped off her and offered my hand out to help her up. She slapped it away and jumped to her feet.

"WHY ARE YOU LATE BOY!!!!" Artemis bellowed. She caused birds to fly away from nearby trees.

"I'm sorry Lady Artemis, I overslept and woke up late." I apologized.

"You better be! Now let's get on to teaching you archery. I'll have you as good as a hunter in no time!" Artemis spoke and walked into her tent. I groaned but followed her anyway.

3 hours later. . . . . . . .

Well I mean, it really pays to have the goddess of archery as a teacher. Now I can at least hit the target. I drew my bow back, my muscles rippling like a mighty lion getting ready to pounce. I aimed, took a breath, and released. My arrow flew soaring through the air and I hit a . . . . BULLSEYE!! My first ever!! I was so happy I whooped the sound echoing through the forest. Artemis chuckled and I couldn't help it but I hugged her. Yes I Perseus Achilles Jackson the two time Savior of Olympus was about to lose my balls because I hugged Artemis. She immediately tensed up but relaxed into the hug.

"Thank you so much Lady Artemis! You truly are the best when it comes to archery." I said. She tensed up again and poked me off her. Her auburn hair glinted in the sunlight. She smiled softly.

"It's Artemis from now on, no more Lady. Give yourself an hour to freshen up and then meet me here."

"Sure Artemis but only if you call me Percy. Perseus is reserved for my enemies. Now bye bye Arty." I flashed out quickly just in time to see an angry Artemis firing an arrow at me. I reappeared in my tent and quickly put up some wards so Artemis nor the hunters could get in. I then jumped into my bed and lied down for a quick nap.

Sorry for being lazy. Also tell me in the comments if I should start another story. I'm going to call it Reborn and it is how and old op percy comes back even stronger for revenge. Let me know if he is a god, titan, primordial, or something even stronger you decide. Byeeee

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