Chapter 31 busted

Start from the beginning

Yuna coughed as she looked around, walking further into the room with him following behind her. It was dark, only little gaps and cracks on the old wooden walls made the sunlight peak in and reveal the dust flying through the air. It was more spacious than it it appeared from the outside, He thought, but messy nonethless with old shelves against every free wall filled with buckets and pencils and other things jongin didnt bother to know what they were. Some random jars and even painted sports balls and books. it must have been the storage of an arts clubs of some sort.

The floor creaked and crackled, sounding with every stop they took foreward to look around and then it clicked as Yuna pulled the switch and a flickering light from an old lamp hanging off the ceiling, came to life again, making jongin look away from the jars he'd observed and to her instead.

" its so dusty in here." She waved her hand at the air whilst looking around " how can they neglect this place. Our school didnt, some idiots literally made it their chill spot "
Jongin smiled at her remark, recalling hiram, who'd got his hand pierced with his own knife by kyungsoo as one of those idiots.

" alright, lets see which books have the plans in them... " she commented, hand tracing the books in the shelves while he had already stopped to look at some posters on the opposite wall instead, there was a tiny table against it with drawings on and papers of drawings stuck to the wall and shelve above it which he hadn't noticed before.

There was a painting, that caught his eyes. it was of a black howling wolf with sharp flowers surrounding it, fading up into thin lines that reminded him of lightning bolts if he titled his head. It appeared out of place and seemed more erie compared to the other coloful pictures of wolves and flowers. He huffed to himself as he took it down to hold. This was something kyungsoo would like to carve on his little boards.

He'd always thought it was funny how the boy could appear so focused and calm whilst working on something but if he was upset or irritated, he would glare at the board angrily carving flowers into it as he was unable to hide his frustration, he was easy to read when he was focused on something and Jongin knew just by looking at it. He could read the omegas mood off every picture he'd carved.

" are you carving a picture or trying to break the board?" jongin asked annoyed as he looked up from his homework on the table in front of him.

" shut up "
Kyungsoo mumbled, only shooting a glare his way from where he sat on the ground with his back leaning against the feet of the couch behind him.

The beta clenched his jaw but simply turned back to his homework, taking a breath because he wasnt interested in starting a fight, not now when the hous ewas empty and it had only been the 2 of them to begin with.

But then the irritating noises of the abused wood splitting open and being stabbed in various places continued and his eyes trailed up to the oblivious culprit with a frown.
" I cant focus with you torturing wood in the damn background, whats your problem? did sojoon deny you of murder again? "

The omega rolled his eyes but hadnt bothered to turn and face him " if you cant handle noise, you got a room dont you, nutcracker?" he ran his knife over the wood whilst finally glancing up at him in a most definitely patronizing way.
Jongin swallowed, putting his pen down, just thinking of how there was no way he had ever met another person this irritating before.
"why dont you go to yours?" He spat" I was here first, dick"

" oh wow you really think I care " kyungsoo mumbled and carved another angry line into the board.

Jongin closed his eyes, trying to remember what sojoon taught him about keeping patience and what not.
Over the years he had grown to be the calm and threatening one of the pack but kyungsoo had just been a thorn in his eye that soemtimes made him feel like patience was once again an impossible demand.

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