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Maheer was confused.

She was very confused.

She had just got her hands on her very first salary and it was practically begging her to spend it on her family.

It was absolutely mortifying when her colleagues had pointed out her obvious elation over the pay check, her eyes teary and breath heavy. But she got over it.

After all, they didn't know just how much this money had meant to her. It might not seem much to people but it was enough to take some burden off her Saadi's shoulders.

She had put away half of it into a savings account and then some was kept aside for her father's medicines. If Saad insisted on paying for Baba's regular check ups, then from now on, she will pay for his medicines.

For the first time in Maheer's life, she felt like she was her Baba's son. Finally, she could make him proud, instead of the shame she always seemed to bring upon him.

Maheer squeaked in excitement as she looked through the shopping bags in her hand- a leather bag for Neelo's collage, two shawls for her father and uncle, two pairs of sandals for her mother and aunt.

They weren't anything expensive but she had bought them with her own money. Her own freaking money!

How amazing was that!

The only hindrances to her happy mood was Saad.

Stupid Saad who was the most difficult person to shop for!

Anything she buys, he will insist on returning and getting a cheaper option. That man was adamant to never buy anything for him until it was absolutely necessary.

Allah, why was her husband so hard to shop for?

What could she give a person who insisted on never needing anything?

Thus was Maheer's dillema.

She wanted to give him somethings that will make him just as happy as he made her when he agreed to let her work. Maheer wanted him to know that it was worth it, that Maheer could take care of him too.

In a way, Maheer and Saad were too similar. Sometimes it scares her.

Both of them always felt like they have to do something in order to prove their love and loyalty. It often left them with nothing but pain.

But then again, that's just how God had made Saad and Maheer, so full of love yet so foolish in their way of expressing it.

Maheer wanted Saad to express himself more, he was doing it more ad more these days, sharing his feelings with her. But she wanted him to open up, confide more in others.

She wanted him to stop loosing himself in the chaos of their lives.

That's when the idea struck her like lightning.

Ye, she was going to gift him just that!


Meerab was confused.

Despite spending the whole morning, she couldn't make out any sense of the case on hand. It was frustrating.

And it frustrated her thousand times more to see Murtasim cruising through his case files like he was out on a lazy walk on a sunny day.

Meerab wanted to throw the damn file at his smug face. She should've known it was a trap, a carefully crafted one, the moment he had suggested they work together in his office.

So now, Meerab was embarassing herself more than the time she had punched a boy during her middle school stage play by being stuck on the same case for hours whilst her despicable husband tackles two at once.

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