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Saad had not realized the weight behind the word "Heir" until their car entered the gates of the enormous "Shahnewaz Haveli."

The cobblestone driveway stretched long enough to park the fleet of cars that followed theirs, full of armed bodyguards. The haveli itself surrounded the front lawn from all sides giving the onlookers a good guess of its sheer size. The age-old gigantic structure loomed over them menacingly like its owner.

As the car came to a halt in front of its wooden entrance, Saad could see Murtasim standing outside his car with an old man behind him. This was probably Bhaktu.

"This place is huge," Neelu whispered from her seat next to him in awe. Maheer also seemed to be looking at her surroundings with interest. She hadn't said much to him since the beginning of their journey to the haveli.

Saad couldn't help but feel hurt at her silence towards him.

Bhaktu opened the door for him before he could. His kind eyes were full of excitement as they looked over Saad. The wrinkled eyes glistened with unshed tears.

"Welcome to the haveli, Malik," he greeted Saad with an affectionate smile.

Malik. The word was simple yet everyone here said it with so much pride.

Saad felt another wave of guilt hit him. He realized leaving this place might not be as easy as he thought.

Sighing, Saad got out of the car to see his parents and aunt already waiting for them. His mother had stopped crying while his father just looked tired. His aunt was looking at everything with curiosity.

Hmm, that didn't sit right with him.

Neelu and Maheer were busy whispering while pointing at different flowers on the beautifully groomed front lawn.

Murtasim stood with his hands behind his back, his shades back on his eyes.

Were his eyes really that sensitive? It was almost past noon, for God's sake!

With a nod, he ordered Saad to follow him inside the castle-like house. Reluctantly Saad started to walk along with his family.

As they walked next to a large pool, he could feel the shocked eyes and hear the gasps of surprise around him. The whispers grew louder and louder as they kept going on.

"I see that the budget for the servant's salary needs some altercation," Murtasim said as he walked without bothering to look at anyone.

And suddenly, all the whispers died down and people went back to work as if their eyes had never seen him in the first place.

Murtasim, too, kept walking without a pause. If anyone was on his way, then they would scurry away like rats. Not once did Murtasim stop for anyone.

What kind of place was this? Did people here need Murtasim's permission to breathe as well?

As they went further inside, the grand haveli revealed its luxurious secrets. Starting from the simple showpiece to the framed paintings on the corridor walls seemed to cost more than Saad's yearly salary. Their shoes squeaked on the crystal-clean floor as they marched towards a sitting area.

A woman was seated there looking into some kinds of ledgers. Servents surrounded her as they handed her similar books to look at.

"Maa," Murtasim whispered next to him. He nudged Saad to go forward.

Stealing himself, Saad walked inside. Under the facade, however, he was a ball of nerves. He could hear the woman talk about budgets.

Probably hearing his footsteps, she looked behind and a smile appeared on her face. She was an elegant woman. Perfectly groomed and dressed finely like her son. Her gold jewelry sparkled under the brightly lit chandelier.

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