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As the hotel they were staying at finally entered his field of vision, Saad let out a long-held sign of relief. The crescent Moon watched on as he and his family pulled their tired bodies out of the cars and made their way into their rooms.

They had decided they weren't going to stay for the wedding. It was too much in too little time. They needed a break, Saad needed a break.

So as soon as the morning ray hits them, they will leave for good old Karachi.

He tried his best to ignore the pang of emotions inside his exhausted heart. Saad didn't give it too much thought, already tired beyond his limits for the day.

Instead he just squeezed Maheer's hands that hasn't left his since their departure. His treacherous heart somehow still had the strength to leap in joy as she squeezed it back when they slowly walked towards their destination.

Her hands were smaller than his, softer too, just like her. Saad's were rough and course, full of blemishes, just like him. Saad loved holding Maheer's hand.

Even before Saad had fallen in love, when they were just two inseparable best friends, he loved holding her hands. It gave him a sense of safety in his most vulnerable moments.

"Malik?" Bhaktu's aged voice stopped them in their tracks. Saad motioned for Maheer to go ahead.

Letting go of her hands felt weird today. Maheer was not making it any easier.

She was again looking at him with that unreadable expression, as if she was seeing him for the first time.

Sighing, Saad looked away from the love of his life and walked back towards Bhaktu.

The old man was looking at him with teary eyes and a fond smile. There was something oddly charming about the man that puts him in ease, makes him want to share all his worried.

"Did you need something, Bhaktu?" Saad was honestly expecting another round of tears after consoling Maa Begum. But he was pleasantly surprise as a grin stretched across the man's wrinkled face.

"Malik, in my 50 years of service, I have looked after three generations of Khans and I intend to continue doing so with your and Malik's children." His voice held an undisputable promise.

"So please take great care of yourself, Malik and one day, if you feel you might need me to take care of you, then please do not hesitate to ask of me." Bhaktu gave his shoulders a light pat to drill in his words.

Saad, in return, gave the loyal man a big smile.

"And please keep this." He handed Saad a small diary. " It has some numbers you can call if you ever need help." Saad looked into it and as expected the little bluish diary held several numbers.

"Malik, may I make a request?" Bhaktu's voice, this time, came out in hesitation.

"You may, Bhaktu, you do not need to ask for permission." This man was a lot older than Saad. The fact that he was asking his permission made Saad incredibly uncomfortable.

"Will you please try to call the Khanaam atleast once a week, Malik?" Bhaktu looked downwards towards Saad's fidgeting hands. "You do not need to force yourself. But the Khanaam- she has waited for you a lot. Don't make her wait anymore."

"You didn't have to ask, Bhaktu. I was planning to do it anyway." Saad was relieved at the simple request.

He could do this much for the woman who gave birth to him.

"Then, I'll see you, Malik. Khuda Hafeez." With that, Bhaktu was off with all the men and the cars, leaving good old Saad in his solitude.

Saad liked the silence, the peace.

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