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Maheer quite liked talking to Maryam and Meerab. Actually Maheer liked both of them as people. They were pleasant.

Even though Maheer felt woefully inadequate in their presence.

They reminded her of Anabia.

Always perfectly dressed. Elegant. Graceful. Sophisticated.

Maheer felt out of place sitting next to them. It reminded her too much of sitting beside Areeb's relatives.

As much as Maheer liked these girls, they were also a walking reminder of Areeb's mother's expectations against her reality.

So Maheer reluctantly let out a sigh of relief when they eventually left her room.

She was tired. Very tired.

She wanted to sleep as soon as soon as Saad came back.

The knock on door brought out another relief filled sigh out of her.

Great, Saad was here!

A grin stretched across her face as she opened the door, only to see it was Neelo.

She was standing there with a stern look on her face, as if she didn't want to be in her presence.

Maheer's thoughts drifted to Maryam and Meerab.

Maheer and Neelo were like that too. Cousins and Sisters in law.

Yet, compared to those two, Neelo and her felt like strangers these days.

Neelo and her were always close. Like sisters.

So how come she felt like a complete stranger to her these days?

It's like she was holding onto some big resentment towards Maheer that only seems to be growing.

It's because Maheer was forced upon Saad.

The thought always pained her.

"Is bhai here?" Neelo was curt in her inquiries.

"No, he went to talk to Murtasim." Maheer ushered Neelo in. They sat on the couch where Meerab and Maryam were sitting.

"Talk about what?"

"To tell Murtasim that he wants to leave!" Maheer smiled at Neelo at that.

But her heart thumped when she saw the look of disdain painted on Neelo's face.

No! What had she done wrong now?

"You probably put him onto it, didn't you?" Neelo's voice came out so venomous that Maheer flinched.

"No, Saad wanted to leave!"

"Did he? Or did you just weep until he gave in?" Now she was looking at Maheer with eyes full of disgust.

"No! He wants to leave! He told me!" Maheer was desperate now.

Did he? When? And didn't you cry just like Neelo said?

Oh Allah, why was she plagued with so much doubts?

"Really?" Neelo looked doubtful."Did you ask him?"

Did she?

No, she hadn't!

Neelo probably read her guilt ridden face. " I knew it! You didn't even ask him what he wants!"

Neelo looked downright furious now. "Do you even care about my poor brother? Have you ever stopped to think he might have his own thoughts about something?"

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