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Saad sometimes thinks he really was cursed. No really, he wasn't joking!

Because why else would he be stuck listening to his aunt rant on about literally anything??

Her voice was starting to sound like the noise their barely functioning washing machine makes....

Appearently some rich relative of her was coming back to Pakistan for a destination wedding in Hyderabad.

And to show off their money and horrible British accent, they had invited his whole family.

So now his dear aunt refuses to let Saad embarras her in front of them by speaking normal Urdu in his extremely normal Pakistani accent.

After all, are you really rich if you do not speak the most horrendous broken Urdu with a fake accent?

His aunt's thought process something makes him want to bang his head in the nearest wall.

Saad knows she thinks Maheer deserves a better and richer man.

Saad thinks so too.

Maheer deserves to enjoy a life full of comfort and luxury.

A life Saad wouldn't be able to provide.

His musings were again interrupted by his aunt's third warning about his job.

She wanted him lie about his average position in the hospital administration he worked at.

"But aunt, what if they figure it out? That'll be even more embarrassing!" Saad tried to reason with the stubborn status conscious woman in front of him.

"The only thing embarrassing would be my son in law working as a normal officer!" His aunt's voice rose an octave.

In Saad's opinion, her falling over herself to impress rich people was far more embarrassing.

But since he was raised to have some decorum, he did not say that out loud.

"Anyway, they are coming from UK just for this marriage. A destination wedding! They wouldn't check so many things," her haughty voice made his head throb.

If they wouldn't even care to check, then what was the point of lying?

"Fine, as you wish," Saad gave in as usual with a sigh.

Life was hard enough already without arguing with his aunt. He didn't want to add that to his list of ever-growing troubles.

He quickly excused himself to his room before his aunt could start another argument.

He wanted some peace and quite to sleep.

Well, he wanted to atleast because his bed was full of suitcases, clothes and jewellery.

Maheer was frantically packing everything she could get her hands on.

Hey, atleast she was distracted!

"It's a wedding, not a fashion show," he tried to lighten up the mood.

"It probably will be," Maheer sighed while looking at the growing pile of clothes.

"My mom's relative are way to snotty. I need one dress for every function. And appearently the guests are gonna tour the historical landmarks and view all the haweli in Hyderabad too."

"Wow, so free food and a free tour! Amazing!"

Maheer finally let out a giggle at his jokes. Even after she went back to packing, a small smile remained on her lips.

Guess she was excited about this trip after all.

He will agree to not only one but thousands of lies if it means seeing that smile on his Maheer's face.

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