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Meerab was in the kitchen.

She was making tea.

She has never made tea.

So ofcourse, in the last half and hour, she has managed to burn her hand, overturn the sugar container and break the milk jug.

Suffice to say, her endeavours were not going well. She had greatly underestimated the difficulty of the task in hand.

But she has to persevere.

She was on a mission. It was a challenge.

And Meerab Waqas Ahmed never backs down from a challenge.

Almost on queue, the tea cup slipped from her hand and shattered into pieces.

Well, maybe this particular challenge was not for Meerab Waqas Ahmed!

She was now Meerab Murtasim Khan anyway!

No, focus! she couldn't give up!

Meerab was made off stronger stuff than that.

So she asked the maid to clean the floor and took out another tea cup and poured her hardwork into it.

She stared down at the cup of tea, the first ever she had made.

It looked a bit dodgy. The liquid was a bit darker than it was supposed to be. It honestly looked like a witch's potion to her.

Oh well, she was sure it's just the look. It probably tasted just fine.

Surely Murtasim was not someone who judges tea by its looks!

Happy with her own conclusion, Meerab walked towards her not-so-beloved husband's office with the cup. She made sure to walk slowly in order to not spill a drop.

It was a product of her blood and sweet, after all!

She cannot believe she was wasting it on Murtasim of all people.

Maybe she should've added a bit of laxative. Not much, just a pinch maybe.

No, no, she can't think like that!

Today she wanted to thank him for letting Saad go, for taking her side over Maa Begum's.

After doing the right thing by respecting Saad's wishes, he was finally worthy of having something made by her.

He should really thank his lucky stars.

As Meerab let herself in without knocking, just like she had done ever since she could remember, she saw Murtasim deep in work.

He was almost drowned in papers and folders scattered messily around and on his desk.

Meerab would never admit it to anyone but her arrrogent, conceited, moron of a husband did look rather dashing with that concentrated look on his face.

Meerab has to agree that if not in personality, Murtasim definitely won in looks department.

She could still remember when Murtasim was the most awkward teenager with gangly limbs and a hoarse voice. Meerab can clearly remember his pimpled face and stupid haircut.

Oh, and how could she possibly forget the horrendous moustache he insisted that helped him look manly?

On the hindsight, maybe Meerab shouldn't have told a teenage Murtasim he looked like a discount Charlie Chaplin...

Well, in her defence, she had originally wanted to call him a funny looking Slander-man but she thought that would be too unkind towards the boy.

But of course, he hadn't appreciated it and looked at her as if he wanted to strap her to a rocket and send her directly to the sun.

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