033 // Everything is connected.

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"That was so amazing" I yell as I'm fixing up the couch we were sitting on. While I'm doing this the old man is just re-doing his book shelf.

"Well, I've got to get ready for a presentation." Alhaitham tells me and I listen.

"Oh really? I guess you'll both be out of the house." He nods and I then think of something.
"Hey, can I just take a nap here? I'm pretty tired after crying so much." I ask and he agrees before heading out the door.

"Woo I have the whole house to myself! I need a Power Nap." I mumble as I head over to my room with the matress.

I flip down and I just look at the roof above me, it's covered in a nice grey paint with a small green design lining it. I'm guessing this is princess Kavehs amazing work.

Come to think of it, I probably should leave their house. I feel bad just staying.
First I need a nap though.

I get comfy and just close my eyes. Then I finally get to let go of all the tension.

To be honest I'm really tired.. keeping up and act is hard yk? I groan as I realise I'm in another of one of my dreams, but I feel more restricted. Suddenly my left arm moves, almost in a doll way and it clinks infront of me.

Then, my right arm dies the same thing, it's like I'm in a zombie pose?

I notice that theirs a dot, just a little white dot infront of me. It looks close but it also looks far?

I try to move my arms out of the zombie like position, but they stay stuck. Suddenly this space feels kind of tight, and there isn't much room. Is it weird to feel so squished?
And why is that white dot coming closer? And why is it coming towards my crimson veins?

My veins! I haven't noticed them. Have they been getting more red or something?
Are they getting bolder? And why is that.. wHVFite dot floating ontop of my wrist? Suddenly I feel scared.

I realise that I am stuck..and then suddenly I cant breath. I feel like I'm suffocating, and then I look closer to the white dot.

I realise it's not even white, it's that same black and red color. Same red as my crimson veins.
Same crimson as the Color I'm my eye.
I've been seeing a lot of crimson, in the clouds, on the trees. I thought I was going crazy.

But everything is connected.

I start to feel like I'm choking, and then I see that the cube is going inside my wrist.

You thought that the pain when that cube came through my eye was bad? This felt like I was fading. Every ounce of my will left by the time it was in my wrist. I didn't even notice the tears streaming down my face by the time it was finished.

I then notice my outfit, I'm still in that white bodysuit.. the one that looked like it was perfectly fit.

I start to breathe heavily, but I don't even remember when I was able to breath again.
My body felt lifeless, and then I felt something pulling me down. It was tugging away at me and It getting darker. No sense of light, no way out.

I looked under me, and I saw.. me? I was wearing that outfit dain told me I 'used' to wear, and I looked more perfect. My teeth were perfectly white, my eye bags were gone. Acne scars were aswell.

The me holding on was perfect in every way, this was who I used to be.

I then feel an overwhelming aura to pull myself up. I barely lift my head and I see another red cube.

I'm desperate to not get dragged down, so I grasp the cube and I hold it tight. The cube pulls me up, and I can feel that the other perfect me is losing grip.

They finally let go, and I get lifted up. It feels as if I was underwater, and I see that I'm now wearing my white coat and outfit, in other it's my 'perfect' selfs clothes.

My vision is still blurry, but I hear a voice.

"Are you hurt" I hear him say.

"Oh it's you." I say whine slowly getting up.

I realise I'm in the sane domain as last time, and like last time I'm stuck with.. scaramouche.

"Hi." I say before he sits down on the floor.

"Tell me." He says.

"Tell you what?" I reply.

"Where did you get.. that?"
He says and points to the cube in my hand.

This is not what's supposed to happen. (Genshin x reader )Where stories live. Discover now