010 // The traveler meets... the traveler?

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(dream sequence)

I 'wake up' and I see the world falling apart.
How the fuck did this happen? Everything was.. fine.

I hear a voice.

"Y/n. Come back. To. ME."
(End of dream sequence.)

I wake up in a cold sweat.
I see my hands tied up, but it's not rough at all. It's actually pretty soft,
that's kind of cute.

Anyways, I look around and im did they just leave me out in the wilderness? Because I can't see them anywhere.

Right after I think that I hear paimons cute/ annoying voice coming from behind me.

I fake fall asleep out of instinct. And I start to mumble things.

I hear them come back to the little campsite, and I start mumbling. "travel..ing "

I hear paimon whisper to aether, except she not really whispering.
" oh so their a sleep talker! Let's listen." She says before I hear her sit in front of me.

I have to bite my tongue to stop myself from laughing, or even smirking. I continue along with my "instinct" if I can even call it that.

"Destiny.. another wor.. wor... worr..." i mumble trying to keep paimon on edge.

"Another what!?" She whisper-yells.

I stop for a few seconds before continuing.

"find.. ." I say before trying to decide what to say next.

Meanwhile, Aether is listening intently to my words. "Hey aether.. this person seems to have the same goal as you!" Paimon slightly yells.

"Shh paimon, your going to wake them up." He says before I accidentally flop off the medical bed.

"AH SHIT" I yell, and it echos through out the forest.

I open my eyes to see aether cooking some friend egg, and paimon being- wait. Where's paimon.

Oh crap.. I fell on her.

Immediately after aether realised what happened, he gets paimon off me.

"Sjsjjs.. where.. where am I?" I ask while trying to be mysterious.

"Paimon and Aethe- My friend found you.. watching us. D-Do you really Not remember?!"
She shouts.

"Of course i remember, I was just messing around. Now, could you untie me?" I ask, getting more annoyed the longer im tied up.

"Not until you tell us who you are." Aether says, finally joining the conversation.
"You were watching us, Why?" He asks, a stone cold glare shot at me.

"I-I don't know. I couldn't control my body." I say, still confused. They look at me in silence for a few seconds before he speaks up.

"Couldn't control your body? How come?" He asks and I shrug.

"How would I know? Anyways.. I'm sorry for attacking you." I say, looking away in embarrassment.

"Anyways let me Introduce myself, I'm y/n. I'm just a traveler." I say.

"Well nice to meet you y/n! Paimon is Paimon, and that is Aeth- I mean Fortnitebattlepass7878." Paimon says, embarrassed at her slip up.

I burst out into laughter.

"FORTNITE BATTLE PASS??" I say before I go back wheezing.

This was going to be a long day.

I've been a bit burnt out every now and then like every writer.
Anyways 579 words.

This is not what's supposed to happen. (Genshin x reader )Where stories live. Discover now