025 // Tighnari is a dick.

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"Who the fuck are you calling abnormal you tingey eared green bean goofy peice of shit." I say and he just writes down some stuff.

"I believe im talking to a tall arrogant peice of crap that has the audacity to comment on me after I fixed their wounds." He snaps back.

He stands his ground, and I stand mine. This guy is cool.

"Fine fine thanks i guess." I mumble as he smiles smugly.

"Uhh what was that?" He says with his tail wagging a little bit.

"I SAID IT WAS FINE I GUESS." I say and I slump in defeat.

He just smiles at me and lends me a hand to sit up.

"My names Tighnari" I glance and tell him "no shit Sherlock your name is all over the room." I say and he just looks around.

"Oh yeah I forgot about that, anyway the traveler and a weird man came with that floating fairy thing and they brought you here.. they told me you were having flashes, so I gave you sleeping herbs." He says and he pulls out some arm wraps.

"I definitely wasn't expecting you in a new outfit though." He says and I lightly punch him.

"Shut up dude.. I don't even know how it happened either to be honest." I say and he starts to wrap me hand up.

"Yeah that's what they all say, anyways your gonna need to stay for a few days, sorry." He says and I don't think I gave him the reaction he wanted.

"Aww you want me to stay?? Thank you Tighnari pookiebear!" I say and I do uwu fingers.

"What the hell are you doing" I hear him mumble before I say something even worse.

"Well since you love me so much that you want me to stay, I should tell you my name shouldn't I?" I say and he nods after a bit of consideration.

"Well.. guess you dumb fuck." I say and he just punches me jokingly.

"I feel like your name is like Alex or something.. or Mildred."
He says and I laugh.

"You don't actually think my name is Mildred right?!" I say and he nods.

"Don't worry don't worry, I'm sure your name is beautiful, just like the person it's for..~" I punch him after he says that. After some joking combos and punching eachother we get to bond, and suddenly it's night.

"Well, now since someone kept me in their cabin all day, I've gotta pull an all nighter to finish work." He says while yawning.

"Ehehehhdhejejsndhjdjsj don't leave meeeee" k groan and he just gets up.

"Well, night y/n" he says before I say the same thing back.

"Night dickhead." I yell and I think the whole village woke up to that last bit.

He turns the light off and I'm stuck in my thoughts...Stuck in my thoughts.

This is not what's supposed to happen. (Genshin x reader )Where stories live. Discover now