018 & 019 // hydro & im lost

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"We're walking quite a long way, aren't we?" I say while huffing and puffing.
"Well paimon can float so take that L!" She says while pulling her eyelid down.
That's right, I was telling Aether and paimon about my worlds slang and ever since that paimons been using the occasional 'L' or 'Mid'.

"Paimon your going to tire then out! Also y/n cant you make portals?" He asks suspiciously and I just nod before continuing " well whoever I do I always get super tired! Maybe I need to ascend again.." I mumble off at the last bit.

Oh yeah! I can probably see my skills.

I'll have a check.

Sneaky sneaks: Lvl 25
Glitch manipulation: Lvl 20
Basic stamina: Lvl 15
Alert and amazed: Lvl 10
Offensive arts: Lvl 25

Wow, I didn't realise how much I've leveled up! Let me see my actual level!

Level 40/40

Yippee Atleast I'm able to ascend! Wait now I have to ascend.... Nooooooooo!!

I finish checking my powers out and I removed that my glitching powers are at level 20! Maybe I can make my portals durable and not wanna faint again.

While I'm in thought I realise I lost aether and paimon. OH SHIT I LOST AETHER AND PAIMON.

"H-Hehe guyss? Where are youuu?" I say with a more timid voice that usual and then I remember I'm not alone, yin is sleeping in my hoodie pocket. I pet him and he meows before I can here his cute little cat snores.

"I guess I'm lost. DAMN IT!" I yell before I hear some rustling leaves. "H-hello.. whos there!" I scream before summoning my polearm.

I see a little girl who's awfully pale cone running and hides behind me. Oh my god it's qiqi! She's so adorable!! She hides behind my leg and before I can even think of who she's hiding from, I hear a girl yelling her name.

"QIQI!! WHERE ARE YOU!" I hear before a brown haired girl stumbles through a bush and lands infront of me.

At the sound of the thump yin gets alerted and crawls up onto my shoulder, glaring at the poor girl.

"Oo- eesh that hurt- oh hi there! Im Hu Tao! Im the director of wangshen funeral parlour. Have you see a very pale girl? About this tall?" She gestures to near my upper thigh.

"Uh hi? Im y/n nice to meet you.. and this is my cat yin. I also have not seen any place haired girl around here." I tell her before she sighs and walks off.

"Well thanks anyway!" She screams before I turn to qiqi who's still hiding behind me.

"We're you hiding from that girl?" I ask and she just nods. "Hu Tao was trying to hey Qiqi again." She says with a straight face.

"Oh uhh... okay? Anyways I've gotta go but I hope you have a nice day qiqi!" I say before I walk of into the forest.

Yin is just laying on my shoulder and he's honestly really on edge, maybe I should go somewhere els- oh I'm in liyue city! I just realised I stumbled onto some pavement and I guess now I can FINALLY see what thsi place looks like!

In game this area or spawn point used to be where I would log out everyday, so it's so nice to be able to see all the details.

"oh my god thsi place is so beautiful" is what I manage to mumble before I smell some AMAZING food.

"FISH SKEWERS! FISH SKEWERS! BUY EM FRESH!" Is what I hear before I remember all about the food shops in the game, let me try a fish skewer now!!

"Hi there, I was wondering if I could have a fish skewer?" I say before getting out my mora pouch.

"Ah yeah of course! Here's your skewer and that's 100 mora!" He tells me before I thank him and head off in a place to eat the skewer.

"OM NOM NOM NOM" is all I say while eating the skewer, and then I hear a voice near me.
I know this voice, it was childe.
He was my first five star, and I think that I should leave. But the thing is that I don't know where he is. I frantically look around till I spot him and Zhongli, shopping together.
I sigh in relief and head the opposite way, before I remember that.. i need to find aether.

"FORTNIGEBATTLEPASS7878?? ARE YOU THERE?" I tell and I hear some footsteps come behind me.

"Hey girlie, you know the traveler?" I hear and then I slump in defeat. Childe found me. I'm screwed if I don't play my cards right.
"Ahhaha yeah I'm 'acquaintances' with them.." i say, while not facing him.

Me and childe were about the same height, so I was surprised when he turned my head to see my face.

"Don't you know it's rude to not face someone when their talking?- Your.. eyes.. Their like hers." He says after taking a glimpse of my eyes.

"That's my cue to go!"
I say before making a portal and just directing it at paimon.

"Please work Please work" is what I say as i jump through the portal.

"Wait!" Is all I hear from childe as i drop behind aether and paimon.

"OH MY GOD Y/N PAIMON THOUGHT YOU DIED??" Paimon sqeals and I give her a hug.

"We seriously thought you got captured or something" Aether says with a worried face.

"It's ok little one.. i made it safe and sound didnt I?" I say proudly.

"Also, in case I get lost again, let me give you something that I can always teleport to!" I give him a rock that has y/n engraved on it.

"This is nice, I'll put it in my pocket." He says before we continue setting off.

Me and aether walk before we land on a hill, being the amazing carefree and cool daredevil I am I sit on the edge of the cliff.

"La, la la la laaa~" o sing and my feet dangle off the cliff.

"Hey y/n don't get too ahead of yourself, you might- AH Y/N!" Aether screams and a bit of the cliff that was sitting on falls down, and I plummet to my death.

Atleast I think I do? I feel myself stop in mid air. I think it was mid air?
Suddenly I feel something wet, and I see a wave, a wake or a pillar of some sort holding me from plummeting to the ground.

"Oh my god am I controlling this?" I say and as soon as I say that a drop of water floats up and touches my crimson lined vain. It feels so soothing and as soon at that happens I feel my self infused with.. hydro? Did I just harness the power of hydro. HOLY CRAP I JUST DID!! YIPPEE!

I slowly try to control the water out I end up stressing out and the wave falls apart, leaving me to deal with it myself with gliding.

While gliding I check my stats and I see:
New skill: hydromancy.

Can infuse your attacks with hydro and you can do your own hydro attacks.

I click out if it and spot aether.

"Aether.. you won't believe what just happened."

Bonus: Childs after you ditched him:

"That's right! Their eyes! It looked just like hers. They definitely are suspicious.. I'll make sure to check them out and make sure if their any threat." I say before closing my Walkie-Talkie.

"That traveler.. with that person with those eyes, how do they know each other?" Is all I manage to get out before i kick a rock and then just mumble as i set off to go find Zhongli again.

This is not what's supposed to happen. (Genshin x reader )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang