028 // Interview and a secret

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"Uhh sure" I say before he pulls out some glasses and a notepad.

Am I being interviewed or something? What the fuck is happening?

"Ahem- So what is your name." He says and just gets his ink quill ready.
"Uhh I'm Y/n L/n?" I say and he writes it down in his notes.

"Hmph.. doesn't sound like a local name." He mumbles but just continues. "And where are you from?" He says and I just stare at him for a moment.

"Um.. I'm from.. Fontaine?" I say Because APPARENTLY I'm an engineer in Fontaine.

"Hmm, agh ok then." He writes down quickly and I just fiddle with Yins floppy ears that are slightly lighter than the rest of his body.

He meows and I just wait a little till Alhaitham asks me questions again. Come to think of it, I really don't seem to recall any strange past.. maybe dain is fucking with me? My outfit says Otherwise though.

I fiddle with my white coat and decide to take it off, revealing the corset that protects my chest.
Honestly I feel like this outfit is not only practical but also stylish. Honestly I'm not surprised I would wear something like this.

Alhaitham finished writing his notes and then just stared at me, or more directly my face.

"Uhm, Y/n."


"There's one more question I wanna ask you."

"Shoot your shot like devin booker"

"Who's devin booker?"

"Don't mind that.. what's your question?"

He glances at me after I say that, and points to his eye. "Are you.. khanrian?" He says with a stern face.
"What makes you think that?" I ask cautiously.

"Your eyes, they've got an unnatural glint in them."

After he says that I slightly relax. Does he not see the cubes in my eyes?? If he doesn't then maybe it's just something I can see.. if I'm not going crazy.

"Ohh.. uh no I'm not sorry. Maybe you have the wrong idea." I say and I grit my teeth.

There's now a big awkward silence and I decide I want to break it, after all it's not everyday I get to talk to my favourite characters from a game!

"Now could I ask you something?" I ask and he nods.

"How do you know about khanriah? I've never met anyone else who's heard about it" I lie and I hope he'll believe it.

"I've read documents and stories about its history, what about you?" He asks and generally I'm just happy I'm getting somewhere !!

"Oh uh, my family is a close descendant? They have a bit of history with khanriah" I KEEP ON LYING BECAUSE I HAVE TO OKAY?? Is what I'm thinking and I just swallow my guilt and he smirks a little.

"That's.. Info." He says and then there're an awkward silence.

"Well, you work in the Akedaimiya right?" I ask and he just nods again.

"Well could I offer you some knowledge?" I say and he smirks a little more.

"Go ahead, but be warned.. I know a lot of things." I nod as he says that.

I recall my guns in my bag and I pull them out.

"These are guns. They work as a long ranged weapon and they can affect people in different ways." I start to tell him all about guns and he actually listens.

- 35 mins later-

"And that's why they make a clicking sound!" I finish off my rambling and he just stands up and shakes my hand.

"Thank you for sharing that knowledge Y/n. I.. Appreciate it..?" He says unsure.

Has he seriously never said that to anyone before? Ehh Atleast I'm the first anyway.

"If you want, you can tell me about some of the stuff I've learnt over my time as a scholar." He says and I nod Excitedly. It's not everyday I get to have free knowledge just like this.

"Well, I've learnt that in order to be a smart and sophisticated scholar, you have to be confident."

"Well confidence is key!" I add and he just continues.

"Your correct. I have learnt that in order to keep myself sane and not let people take advantage of my few weaknesses... I need to be more precise." I nod as he rambled on about how he is a very straightforward person and then he starts to be more open! Everyone and then he makes a remark about Kaveh and him being super annoying or whatever.

"Wow, you seem to hate Kaveh or something!" I say and just laugh.

"Well, I do see him everyday since he lives with me- oh did I say that." He slaps himself but I just put my finger up to my mouth.

"Secrets safe with me smart guy." I say and we both just smile.

"Thank you."

This is not what's supposed to happen. (Genshin x reader )Where stories live. Discover now