017 // The power of corn dogs!!

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I wake up in a flash, and look around. I see some light peeking through the windows and I hear some birds starting to chirp.

'I'm okay, I'm safe, I don't have to worry.' Is what I keep repeating to myself but i cant just Shake the feeling that something is wrong.

I sigh and I roll my eyes Over to aether, who is still sleeping soundly.

Hehe im gonna write a note for him, and since he cooked dinner last night ( which I gave to xiao 😰) I figure that I should probably cook breakfast.

I walk over there after tripping over my own legs twice, but then I finally make it to the kitchen.

By then yin has already woken up and he's walking towards me, then he leaps onto my shoulder and watches me cook, (or try to).

"hmm what should I make aether?" I mumble to myself. Maybe I should make something from my world? That would be a nice surprise.
But what can I make with teyvat ingredients? Maybe I could make.. oh my god I could make a corn dog. I have enough skewers and there's enough materials, and I bet paimon would enjoy them a lot! And it would add to her food dictionary.

Corn dogs it is.

"You might have thought that with how much I stumble over my own feet, I would be a horrible cook... but actually when I was in earth, I interned at a Chinese restaurant! I was head chefs student and I would say I'm a good cook." I say to Yin. To try  to justify me talking to a cat I whisper "you know your my best bud yinn.. let me ramble to you!" Before I finish off with the corn dogs.

I need tomato sauce! I'll just search up how to make it on my watch.

-ten minutes later-

I made a bit of a mess in the kitchen.. with red juice splattered all over the room. There's also a small portion of tomato sauce on the counter so I put that to good use and drizzle it on the corn dog.

I clean up the kitchen quickly and I notice that this kitchen is very sanitary! There so much wipes and clean cloth to wipe it with and it was a breeze to clean this up!

By the time I was finished I heard aether getting dressed (yes he was wearing a t shirt and some shorts while sleeping) and I get the food ready.

I knock on the door and aether yells "JUST WAIT A SECOND!" Before busting through the dressing room door.

Gawd damn did he look good.
His outfit actually really compliments his hair and the softer tones of his body. His lips were pretty cute and honestly he really pulls it off.

"Quit gawking pervert" he says before I blush and I show him the food.

"Eat up short stuff. And I wanted you to try this!"  I say before showing him the small tomato sauce tub.

"W-what's that?" "It's tomato sauce.. it's sauce made by tomato's" I say before rolling my eyes while I catch a glimpse of paimon sniffing the air before turning to the food I was holding.

"OH MY ARCHONS WHAT THE HECK IS THAT! IT LOOKS SO YUMMY CAN PAIMON TRY SOME?? AND WHATS THAT RED STUFF OH MY ARCHONS IT SMELLS AMAZING!!" She screams and I hand her a stick before she chops down on it like theres no tomorrow.

"MHPPS PAIMON LOVES ITPM" she says with her mouth full before aether grabs one and politely CHOWS DOWN ON IT LIKE AN ANIMAL.

"Holy crap aether your a beast while eating" I mumble before he winks at me and then keeps eating.

Every now and then they would dip the corn dogs in the sauce and then kept on chowing down.

I even let myself eat one and with teyvats ingredients it tasted even better than on earth!!
The soft crumbs delicately graces my tongue and then it graciously lets me davor it's flavour.

Suddenly there's one left and I remembered that someone might be watching.

I turn over to Aether and whisper "hey do you think mr grumpy pants might want some?" And he nods before calling his name.

"You called?" Xiao says before I hand him a corn dog.

"Try it! I made them and their called corn dogs!" I say before xiao reluctantly tries it. I think he smiled a little because his eyes lighted up quite a bit.

i Watch him slowly finish it before he talks again.

"Thank you for letting me have a corned dog." He says before a slight blush appears on his ears and he disappears.

"Well well, all in a days work!" I say before we get ready to leave the inn.

"Okay next stop..! Sumeru city!" We all say and we match forward to the chasm to get there."


Thanks for reading this chapter! This was honestly a filler one but I love corn dogs and my mum made them for me and my little sister.

God only knows what I would do for a corn dog but anyways this chapter has 883 cool words.

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