20. Deal

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After what Maria pulled last night, I will get her back. No matter what.

I just got out of the shower and brushed my teeth. I have a towel on around my waist. When I walk out of the bathroom, Maria is staring.

"You know it's not nice to stare" I walk over to her. "Well I guess i'm not nice" I scoff and gave her a peck on the lips.

"What are you doing today" Maria gets up. "I have to train recruits down at the warehouse" I reply putting on my black Armani suit.

"Can you help me with my tie, love" She nods in reply. I know how to put my tie on but I just want to feel her touch.

When she finishes with my tie, she pulls me down with the tie. Her lips practically touching my neck.

"I know you know how to do it" She smirks against me. She pushes me back into the wall. "If you wanted to feel my touch just say the words" She grips my dick through my pants making my dick hard.


She starts to leave small kisses up my neck all the way to my ear. "Now go get ready like a good boy" She pats my chest and attempts to walk alway.

I grabbed her by the arm and pinned her against the wall. "I am no one's submissive. never will be" I whisper close to her mouth.

I cuff her face between my hands. She leans up trying to kiss me but I pull alway smirking. She scoffs and walks into the bathroom.

I walk out of the room and went downstairs. "Good morning, Where's Maria" Maria's mom comes up and hugs me.

"She's getting ready for the day, ma'am" She nods in response. "We were just finishing up making breakfast, would you like some" She walks towards the kitchen, I follow after.

"I have to train recruits today" I shake my head no.

"Oh is Maria coming with you" She asks. "No" "Yes" Me and a familiar voice say at the same time.

Maria walks up and kisses my cheek. "I'm going with him mother, i'll see you later" She hugs her mom.

"Okay, stay safe bambina" She smiles softly.
Me and Maria walk towards the garage. "You weren't supposed to come with me" I broke the silence.

"Well I wanted to" She shrugs. "Pick a car" I open the garage.

She points to tho two black motorcycles next to each other. "I don't want a car today" She puts on her helmet.

Does she even know how to ride?

I put on my helmet and look towards her. I hand her the earpiece so we can communicate while riding. "You ready" She nods in reply.

We both roar our engines and drew out of the garage into the private road. When we got onto the regular streets she starts to speed up.

Does she wanna race.

"You wanna race, hm? I say intro the earpiece. "Yess" She replies, I chuckle slightly.

"3. 2." She counts down. "1" I roar my engine. passing through cars like it's nothing. She's a little behind me but i'm still ahead.

We both pass the red lights, police men were about to chase after us until they read our license plates and minded their business.

We both pull into the warehouse driveway and got off the bikes. "You cheated, you said 1 before I was ready" She pushed me.

"Your such a sore loser, I won fair and square" I tease her. She pouts and starts to walk away from me.

I grab her arm and pull her into a hug. "Why are you mad" I lift up her chin. "Because you cheated" She whines. This girl.

"How can I make it up to you" I sigh. "ICE CREAM" She shouts. "Okay after this we will get ice cream" I laugh.

We walk into the warehouse full of recruits. The room goes silent as we walk through the halls. Some are already training because of Diego but the new recruits are locked into a room waiting for us.

"Let's make a deal" Maria says, I nod to tell her i'm listening. "You pick your best recruit and I pick mine and they will fight at the end of training. If my recruit wins not only do you have to get me ice cream, you also have to take me shopping" She smirks.

Shopping with her is the worst. she takes forever trying to find clothes when she looks good in everything.

"And if I win" I reply. "I'll give you a surprise" She teases. "Deal?" She holds out her hand. "Deal, I shake her hand"

We walk into the room of the new recruits and all eyes go to us. We walk down to the big seat with the view of the whole room.

I sit down spreading my legs as Maria sits on my lap. I clear my throat as a signal for everyone to pay attention.

"Today will be just shooting and boxing, you will be split up into two groups. One will be with me one will be with Maria. And if anyone and I mean anyone so helps themselves and disrespects Maria that'll be out of my control and i'll have her kill you instead. The only person who kills worse then me is her so remember that" My voice spoke with power and dominance.

"If your first name starts with A-L your coming with me" Maria speaks up and gets off my lap.
"The rest of you with me" I get up as well.

My group follows me and Maria's follows her.
I look to see my group already doing bad by not even hitting the targets.

This is going to be a long training, I sigh

HEYYY, this was a short simple chapter. honestly i hated this chapter. it was so random to do but it doesn't matter🤷🏽‍♀️.

Word count: 1037

Who you think will win the bet? Maria or Issac
I personally think Maria but who knows👀.


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