30. Mafia ball pt 2

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"The past couple of months have been a roller coaster. New alliances, new cartels, new shipments. It's a lot to handle especially when there's new people coming into your life as-well. But that's the great thing about the Mafia. It's full of family, enemies. friends, lovers, drugs, money, killing, stuff like that. I grew up into the mafia and it was definitely hard. But if you look around and see who's surrounding you. It your closest friends that could be your worst enemies. They could stab you in your back and you wouldn't even know it. That's why loyalty is a big thing in the Mafia. Omertà is a thing nobody can break unless they're willing to risk their lives. And some people are willing to. But that's another thing in the Mafia. You'll never know what's coming for you. This whole place could be blown up any minute now. The wars are getting serious now. You have to be careful on who you'd surround yourself with. A lot of you know the Russian mafia has been after the Italians for a long time now. But now I think it's time to show them who's the real big Mafia here. Let the wars begin." As soon as I said those words.

I looked over to Matthew and nodded. "Go" My dad said into the earpiece.

Just like that all hell breaks loose. All of our men started shooting the Russian. You could hear people screaming running out the building.

People hiding under tables. No mafia wanted to be involved with this. It was just the Italians and Russians going to war.

I standed on the stage smiling at all the chaos going on in front of me.

"Maria behind you" Blake said into his earpiece. I quickly grabbed my knife from my bra and stabbed the person behind me.

Now it's time to fight.

I grab my gun from the strap under my dress and started shooting. I went over to the ball and shot two men in the back.

I grab one of their guns so now I have two. I look over to my right and saw Lily getting harassed by two of the russians.

Absolutely not.

I snuck over ducking from bullets flying in the air. I went around them so they can't see me.

"Lily don't move" I whisper into the earpiece. Before the men saw me I shot them both between their eyes.

I felt a presence behind me so I got another knife and turned around to stab.

5 people already? Dang i'm rusty.

"Maria go to the other side of the stage, more russians" Matthew said into the earpiece.

"Issac turn around" My dad said. "Mom, get non russians out of here. we don't want to accidentally kill our allies" I said into my earpiece.

I walked over to where Matthew told me to go. There's so much of them.

I tried to shoot some off but I couldn't do it myself.

As I reloaded my guns, a familiar cologne filled my senses. "Need help, darling" His deep voice says.

I turn around and it was Issac. "Yes like right now" I continue to shoot.

He started to shoot with me. So many bodies on the floor. All the blood, it would make some people nauseous.

"I'm going upstairs but I need to ask you something. Come here" He pulls me to a small hallway.

He turns off his earpiece. "Why are we doing this. Why do you want Ethan killed so badly" He says out of curiosity.

I guess he has the right to know.

I started off with a sigh. "It first started when I dated him. It was going all good. We had no arguments. Until it came down to sex. I was not ready back then. I wanted to save my virginity for the right person not a boyfriend that I had for 3 months" I let out a breath then I kept going.

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