2. The Bianchi's

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I eventually arrive home, I unbuckle my seatbelt and got out

When I walk through the front I see Aaron putting Mason in a headlock and Blake filming them, while screaming "Beat his ass Aaron"

Idiots I swear

I clear my throat and they all turn towards me "Oh no it's the mole rat from the corner of the basement" Blake says. This bitch

"Suck my dick hoe" I say, he laughs. Then when I was gonna say something else I was rudely irrupted by a knock at the door

Me and all my brothers run behind the couch arguing to see who's gonna open the door

"Go open the door" Mason says to Aaron, "No you do it" Aaron says "Stop being a pussy and do it" I say, and Blake snickers

When the knocking came more aggressive, My mom came out from the kitchen

"All of y'all are so childish you are in the mafia and scared of opening a fucking door" My mother yells

She opens the door and there's 2 muscular men standing at the door One looks older than the other one, the younger one looks more attractive but who are they?

"Ah Mr.Bianchi and his wonderful son, what can I do for you" My father says while coming from upstairs

"Oh I just came to visit Mr.D'Angelo and to talk about some private things" Mr.Bianchi says to my father

"Well come in" My mother says while leading them into the house

When Mr.Bianchi notices me and my brother he came up to use shaking all of our hands "My apologies I didn't see y'all here, Nice to see you all"

Me and my brothers stand up and shakes his hand awkwardly

"And this is my son Matthew Bianchi" Mr.Bianchi says

His son didn't look up from his phone. Rude much

Mr.Bianchi nudged his shoulder while smiling awkwardly "Sorry he's not much of a speaker" Mr.Bianchi

"Oh it's perfectly fine but we should get to my office Mr.Bianchi" My father says

"Oh of course, Matthew stay here and don't be rude" Mr Bianchi says but whispers the last part, I still heard it though
It's been 3 hours and The Bianchi's finally left, I went up to my bedroom in the first 5 minutes of their meeting because my brothers went to play basketball and Matthew wasn't talking

Idk what his problem is but anyways

I get up from my bed and walk over my closet, I pull out a pair of shorts and a t-shirt

After that I got in the shower and started listening to Kill bill by Sza

As I hum the song and shower I eventually finish and got out the shower to brush my teeth

After I brush my teeth I went to my room and put my clothes on. I got jumped on my bed and I yawned

I'm so tired

I stared at the ceiling for 5 minutes until I drifted off to sleep
I wake up to the bright sun blinding me, I look at my alarm and groan 7:15 am

Why is it so early

I get from my bed and went my closet, I pick pair of cargo jeans and a Tupac t-shirt with Jordan 4s

I set the clothes on my bed and went to my bathroom, I took a shower and brushed my teeth

When I walked out the bathroom I put on my clothes and started to text lily


I'm trying to sleep😭

Me: Come to my house later, we're watching a movie





Lily: FINE

Okay but hurry up bozo

I leave my room to go downstairs and I see my father taking a phone call and my mother cooking while my brothers are watching a movie

My father ends the call and clears his throat, and we all look at him

"The Bianchi's and Russo's are coming over to discuss our next mission, so please everyone be on your best behavior" my father says

We all nod, but I have a question

"Dad , are they bringing their sons?" I ask my father

I hope not because I hear that the Russo's son is like the twin of the devil, evil, col hearted, and ruthless

"Yes they will" My father says

Dammit I'm not doing this

"Why is something wrong?" My father asks

"No, it was just lily coming over later and I didn't want to be bothered" I say

"Well if your going to watch a movie, watch it down here" My father says

"Of course" I smile, then someone knocks at the door

"Oh they're here early, I'll get the door" My father says

When he opens the door, I seen Mr.Bianchi and his son, And Mr.Russo with the mysterious man from yesterday

Oh no don't tell me he's THE Issac Russo

Here we go....
Idk if I really like this chapter but yeah🤷🏽‍♀️

Word count: 863

This chapter was really short, but my next chapter will be like my first one

Anyways BYEEEE LOVES!!!!

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