9. The meeting

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I slowly open my eyes with the sun blinding my face. I rub my eyes slowly to see that I'm not in my bed

The room I'm in is filled with dark colors mostly black and grey

I don't mind that I'm in an unknown room, I just want to sleep

I pull my head back to the pillow dramatically rolling over to my left side

I see a head hidden in the covers. I lift up the colors to see Issac fucking Russo sleeping peacefully

No no no

I can't be in the same bed as him.

I roll back over to my right and was about to get up until a strong pair of arms pulled me back

I fell hard into his chest

"Stay" He replied in a deep morning voice

Damn that was hot, wait no it wasn't

"No I need leave" I say trying get out of his hold but he just holds in tighter

I'm still trying to move out his hold but I feel something poking me

"Baby smettila di muoverti prima che non riesca a controllarmi" He replied holding me still
[baby stop moving before i cant control myself]

We stay like this for the next 3 minutes until his alarm went off

He groans

I get out of his grip and look at myself, why am I in different clothes? I lift my eyebrows up

"The maid changed you" Issac said somewhat knowing what I was thinking

"I need to take a shower" I mumble

I stand up and walk to the door

"You know you can shower with me" He smirks

I turn around "You wish bitch" I laugh walking out the door

I head to my room, I have a meeting today with the annoying American mafia since my dad is on a mission

I walk into my room and lay out some clothes, I picked out a black crop top with a blazer and pants
(The outfit)

I walk into my room and lay out some clothes, I picked out a black crop top with a blazer and pants (The outfit)

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I go into my bathroom and get into the shower

I play the song Me and your mama by childish Gambino aka my literal husband

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