"Mom, please." I turned to the rational parent.

She looks sad. "Mickey, you will be ok, honey."

"I know I will be ok, what about all the people I might kill."

She took a step towards me. She ran her fingers through my white hair then brought my head down and kissed me on the forehead. "Oh, my baby."

"Aerasume," my dad barked sharply in his deep sonorous voice. She turned and went back in the transporters with my younger siblings.

My dad came to me. He looked down into my face. My dad is huge. I'm tall but he's still at least 2 inches taller than me. He's the most powerful being I know other than gran and he's leaving me.

"Mickey, you got this. Do you really want your mother and younger siblings here when you change. You want them to see you like that. Especially your younger siblings. They adore you. Look up to you. You want to show them a monster or you want to protect them."

I blew out a breath. "Of course you're right, dad. I am afraid for the people around me and I still have no idea how to control him. What did you do?"

He stared at me sadly. "I didn't, your mother did."

"How did she do it?"

"With a lot of hurt and pain." His face showed so much turmoil before he turned and walked to the transporter.

"Bye Mickey," the triplets waved.

I smiled then waved back. The transporter took off. I know he's right. But I still can't help but to feel abandoned. My mother has always got a look of fear in her eyes when someone mentioned my warlock. I remembered wanting to reassure her and to smooth those worry lines from her beautiful dark face. By looking at us you won't think she's my mother. I have my father's complexion. I'm very white, whereas she's very black. But it's the most beautiful complexion I've ever seen in my life, second to Makay's, who has a mixture of both complexions. No one compares to my mother's beauty. Her compassion and caring nature makes her even more beautiful. My mom is a strong empath so I knew she felt my turmoil. I tried to mask it but I couldn't. I don't want to hurt my family, that's it, that's all.

When the transporter was out of sight I took off running to my mother's favorite stream. She said this stream has been her haven for years. I needed to clear my head. I hope I think of something useful because no one else has.

When I made it I sat down and stared at it for a while. The sound and the scene were beautiful, but nothing happened. What if I leave? That's what I'll do, I decided.

I got up. With a blink I'm in front of the palace. I found Makay through our bond and made my way there. She was pacing back and forth, in a tantrum.

Makay said, "what the hell. No seriously, what the hell. My parents just up and leave right before Mickey will lose his shit."

"Makay, can you please calm down. Your parents are the smartest beings we know. They don't do anything without a reason."

"So what, are they playing some kind of game with us? Mickey is a force all on his own now. When his warlock comes, he will be damn near impossible to stop and what do they do. They fucking leave."

Ashford said, "what did they say before they left?"

"I don't know. They were trying to explain to me about some nonsense but I was too angry to listen. My father even ignored my tears. He never does that!"

Makay suddenly stiffened, feeling me close through our bond.

Makay turned towards me. "I'm sorry, Mickey. I didn't mean it. I'm just upset. Our parents deserted us."

"I know. Our born day is soon. The only way I can protect everyone is to leave."

She ran to me and grabbed my arms. "No Mickey. I know you want to protect us but that's not the solution."

"No it's not," Declan said walking in.

I raised a brow at him. "This is the best place for you to be. At least here there's a group of powerful beings that can detain you. What if you change out there or in The Outlands. Those people will be vulnerable and have no idea how to fight you. Pulse you've been protecting them for years against dictators. They would be really confused when you show up acting like one yourself."

"And what will happen when you change days after me Declan. It will be two of us wreaking havoc on this planet. Maybe we can go to a deserted planet."

"I won't be out of it like you. I will be your Cain." He smiled. I smiled back. Whenever my father felt a murderous rage he would go find Uncle Cain. They would go to a deserted place and go at it for hours.

Makay said, "since we got that settled. Let's partaaaayy. It's our 150th trip around the Goddess' planet. Let's celebrate."

"Makay, I don't think that's a good idea. What if he comes right in the middle of it."

"Then I'll kick his ass."

I rolled my eyes. But she probably is the only one that will be able to defeat me. Makay is no slouch by any means. She's just as powerful as me. She just chooses not to fight. She chooses to be the perfect princess. She and I have gone toe to toe many times. I am honored to say she has beaten me many times. She is crafty and sneaky with her approach. She's very light on her feet.

She rubbed my arm. "Please Mickey."

I blew out a breath. I could never say no to Makay.

"Let's do it."

Kinda how I think Makay & Ashford look.

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The Outlands (Sequel to Elven King Mistress)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin