Shot 19 - 1

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It's just one of my silly fantasies regarding the double date we never got to see on the show tinted with a bit of action that I normally like? It's somewhat illogical and kinda explores AvNeil along a different tangent. I'll give part two after a week or two


"Hey Avni." Neil spoke up as soon as Avni picked up her phone. "Hey." She replied plainly. He was used to her bland tone for the last one week. Not that she talked very enthusiastically to him before that but she had been getting frustrated more and more when there was no lead on the Dayawanti Mehta case.

"Mitali and Ali have invited us for dinner today in the evening. Shall I say yes?" He asked like an obedient husband. Of course he was all in but he knew Avni's vote mattered. There was silence for a few seconds after which she finally replied "Okay. I need a break I think."

"Alright. I'll be home by 9 then we'll go." He said and hung up. Avni agreeing was a good step. He had purposefully skipped the part of Mitali calling it a double date to avoid a refusal straightaway.

Time flew as slow as it could and Neil finally drove back to Khanna Mansion. Avni was in the washroom when he opened his room's door, getting ready he figured so he changed quickly into some casual clothes and waited downstairs.

The clicking of heels made him look towards the staircase and his throat went dry at once. There she was, in a red silk dress that reached a little below her knees, thin straps and matching heels. She had no clue what kind of emotions she was making him go through just by walking like that.

"You look...different." He said with difficulty, not wanting to use words that are urged to be not used in public. If only she had a bright smile on her face, she would turn him to ash then and there. But even with the straight face and steel sharp eyes, she was smoky.

"I do hope in a good way." She muttered and shrugged. "I owe you an apology Avni. I know you're disappointed with me for not having any leads even though you won't mention it." Neil said earnestly, seeing her so crestfallen.

"No it's not your fault Neil. I just can't stand the fact that I am sitting here doing nothing when I can strangle her to death if only I can go to her." She said and later took a couple of deep breaths to calm herself down.

"Let's go take that break, shall we?" He held her cheek and asked politely. She smiled a bit and nodded.

They sat in the car and Neil drove to the restaurant where Mitali had booked a table for four. It was an outdoors restaurant and they parked their car a little away but well within their eyesight.

"I'll just use the washroom and come." Neil said, making Avni sit. Mitali and Ali were nowhere to be seen as of yet. Avni suddenly started feeling irritated due to her open hair and took the keys of the car to grab her rubber band. After taking a few steps she noticed the tyres were...flat.

She retraced her steps quickly and went towards the men's washroom. Neil was just coming out when she barged in, grabbed his hand and kicked open the door to an out of order loo. She then shut both of them in that.

"What?" Neil whispered. "Did the car feel like it was having a flat?" She whispered back. Neil nodded his head in a no. "Well someone clearly is here for us." She mouthed. "I'll inform DD." Neil said and texted him, telling where they were and that they needed him.

"Let's stay here till he comes." Avni suggested and he agreed. They did hear footsteps in and out of the restroom but nothing very threatening as of yet. But they did hold their breaths when they heard an angry voice say "they're not here."

They waited again, and a few minutes later they felt someone fiddling with the door. "Do you trust me?" Avni asked and he nodded. Avni then grabbed him and kissed him fully on his lips obscuring their faces from the intruder.

She detached only a little to tell the intruder "do you mind? We're having a moment here" then kissed Neil again. Neil had no clue what the hell happened so he just cluelessly held her waist and let her take command.

"Umm...bhabhi it's me." Dd almost whispered and they separated quickly, panting from their previous adventure. "Oh thank god. Do you have a car?" She asked. Dd nodded and she snatched the key from him.

Neil meanwhile felt very very lightheaded. He couldn't almost feel his legs but still he walked behind Avni. Dd glanced nervously at him a few times. He was very embarrassed too and indicated something about his lips that Neil failed to decipher.

Soon all his senses started working when he heard a gunshot. He instinctively shielded Avni with his body and made a run towards Dd's car. Avni chose to drive asking Neil yet again if he trusted her. This time Neil almost said a no but then he couldn't.

Avni looked into the rear view mirror once. "Ketan." She said angrily and ignited the engine. Up until this point Neil didn't know she could drive that well. They could hear the screeching of tyres. Dd was scared to death and buckled the seat belt even if he was sitting in the middle of the back seat which was statistically the safest part of the car.

"Avni I think we should have been somewhere more crowded." Neil said seeing that they were now in a deserted road with Ketan chasing them from behind in another car. "I know what I'm doing husband." She said, slowing down a little.

"Why are you slowing?!" Neil panicked as Ketan was inching the gap between the cars now. He fired into the hull of their car and Avni sped again. They were almost at 150kmph when she without warning made a sharp turn. It resulted in their car skidding and doing a circumambulation around itself before finally coming to a halt.

Neil, panting heavily, lowered the window and looked outside. There was no trace of another car, no Ketan in the pitch black darkness. "He's gone." Neil said, looking confused. "About time he did." Avni said, getting out of the car. Neil did too.

"Do you really not know where we are?" Avni asked, slightly amused. Neil switched on the flashlight of his phone and looked around. "The cliff. Ketan? OH." Neil's eyes widened in realisation and he stepped to the railing and didn't know what to express. There was Ketan's car, almost erupting to ashes.

"Av yaar!" Neil let out a frustrated groan. "It's not my fault that that son of a bitch doesn't have eyes to know where he's driving?" She retorted. "Bhabhi that was amazing." Dd said, grinning apologetically at Neil.

"You have no evidence I killed him Neil." Avni said, recognising the turmoil in his eyes. "This shouldn't have happened Avni. I'm sorry I don't approve." Neil said. Avni felt a brick slide into her gut and hung her head. She always felt like crying whenever she and him were on different ends of an incident, she felt as if her biggest support system just vanished.

"He tortured my mother." She said, unable to stop her tears now as the gravity of what she had done dawned on her. "I know Avni but-" Neil started but stopped seeing her condition. She had now begun to sob audibly and Neil went towards her and pulled her for a consoling hug.

"Okay. I'm sorry. It's alright. We'll manage this. Don't cry okay?" He spoke in a go, caressing her hair. "That was legit badass bhabhi. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise." Dd said, grinning ear to ear.

Avni lifted her cheek off Neil's chest and passed him a small smile. Neil wiped her cheeks and called Ali along side, seeing his various missed calls.

"Where are you?!" Ali thundered. "We had a narrow escape. Where were you?!" Neil exclaimed. "When we came, people were talking of gunshots and all. Mitali controlled it all." He said making Avni relieved. If anyone knew their car was the one being chased...

"Let's go home." Avni sat behind and Dd drove, Neil at his side figuring out what had to be done now. When he reached, he saw Avni asleep and picked her up silently.

He stepped into the mansion with Avni's petite body squishing against his to see his family in the hall.


AvNeil: One shotDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora